Example sentences of "him give [art] " in BNC.

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1 The choices made by players in a game must be mutually consistent in the sense that each player 's choice is the best for him given the choices made by the others .
2 They heard him give a cry of wonder from the other side and followed him .
3 For a moment she thought he was going to slam the phone down , then she heard him give a deep sigh .
4 God , he was so gorgeous … her hands were moving on to his strong thoat , thrusting into his black hair , she was losing her head again as the kiss deepened and she heard him give a low growl of harsh excitement , his mouth increasing the pressure until Rachel was obliterated by him , dazed , clutching him with shaking hands , gasping hoarsely against his mouth , feeling his strong hands move swiftly up to her breasts to stroke her nipples and force a long hoarse cry of exquisite desire from her .
5 It was also nice to see him give the young girl who had drawn his winning number a £20.00 note as a way of saying thank you .
6 At the very height of the paroxysm , he made a movement with his knee which caused him to give a great cry which she , lost in the abandon of the moment , construed as passion , but was in fact a loud , animal yelp of pain .
7 He had first met her in 1938 , when she invited him to give a reading at the Student Movement House of which she was Warden .
8 On instructions from State , the US ambassador in Rome advised him to give a press conference in which he stressed his constitutional rights and the illegality of Mossadeq actions .
9 I figured a man like Truro Daine , who is well known for being up to his knees in dirt year in year out , would have a lot of use for their product , and decided to call on him to give a heavy pitch for the latest range of fine-bristled superswift specials .
10 THERE was a time when it was easier to get a stockbroker to buy you lunch than to get him to give a sell recommendation for a share .
11 By then , Aitken 's pulse rate had decelerated enough for him to give a rational appraisal of the day 's events .
12 It would be helpful for him to give an expanded definition of camping , while his partner listens carefully .
13 ‘ This is my ghost ! ’ he would openly announce , in the kind of voice that enabled him to give an inimitable rendering of the handbag speech in The Importance of Being Earnest .
14 Robert , gasping for breath in his arms , wondered whether Mr Malik 's request for him to give an account of himself was entirely motivated by concern for his staff .
15 He 'd go straight down to Lee 's house , force him to give the medals back .
16 Seeing a young officer in the bar , the chairman bought Cooper-Key a drink and asked him to give the list a quick once-over .
17 When in Washington both Houses , in an extraordinary mark of respect , asked him to give the opening prayer as they assembled for the fifty-fifth Congress . )
18 Unfortunately , their conception of American culture woefully behind the times and Cameron Smith , a KGB man with a more up-to-date approach , convinces his superiors to allow him to give the place a more modern look by duping a couple of real American experts to act as advisors .
19 He pointed out that the American Physical Society had invited him to give the talk , that he had completed a three — year research programme , having done all the necessary cross checks and controls , and had definitive results to present .
20 Spelt out slightly more fully ( and at the risk of oversimplification ) , this means that a decision is open to review where it has been arrived at as a result of a mistaken view of the law , or where the decision is one that could not reasonably have been arrived at , in the sense that the person deciding must have taken into account irrelevant considerations , or failed to take into account relevant ones , or where he has failed to observe the dictates of natural justice which require him to give the parties a hearing before arriving at his decision .
21 Frank is a regular at the norwegian U21 team and has also played some first team matches — i remember him giving the pass to Sorloth which gave us 2–1 against Holland at home .
22 Later one of the Shahs ambassadors who eventually denounced him gave a different description .
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