Example sentences of "him out of " in BNC.

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1 When he had done I followed him out of the room and shut the door .
2 He 's got a bad knee and without the union to keep him out of hard physical work he 's stuck really — he 's got no qualifications or anything . ’
3 She 'd seen him many times then , everyone else had dropped him , and only moneyed privilege had kept him out of the gutter .
4 The negative side of all this was ben Eliezer 's polemics against straight-faced , over-serious rabbinism ; against those whose understanding of God 's nature was austere and unfatherly ; those who , while seeking to elevate the Most High , merely put him out of touch with his own children ; debarred them from his welcoming presence by a system or learning that became ‘ frivolous ’ in its intensity : not that its perpetrators could be frivolous : black was their colour , even as severity was their posture — as becomes the frozen-in-soul .
5 Said it got him out of the rut for a while .
6 His wife Mable scolded him out of the house on a bright May Saturday afternoon in the late 1920s .
7 He usually stops eating for a couple of days but I talk him out of it .
8 The vocabulary is different from the comments of fifty years earlier which wounded and infuriated Pound , and drove him out of England , but the sentiments are identical .
9 Irwin , the centre whose back injury ruled him out of Ireland 's tour of North America , plays his first game for four months when Instonians take on Malone this weekend .
10 Another Harlequin , Everton Davis , has been seeking a second opinion on the knee injury that forced him out of last month 's England training session .
11 Mr Allen said Mr Mason was joking when he called Mr Dinkins ‘ a fancy schvartze with a moustache ’ and that Jews would only vote for him out of guilt .
12 LUTON v ASTON VILLA Nielsen , Villa 's Danish defender , will start for the first time if McGrath fails to recover from the hamstring injury which kept him out of the Republic of Ireland team in midweek .
13 By the time we arrive the house is usually wreaked , the kids are in a terrible state , and the wife 's been beaten up , and the father 's lying there stoned , probably taking half-a-dozen peelers to get him out of the house .
14 The two archbishops thought that Ramsey would be an excellent bishop but it was not right , it was bad for the Church as well as for the study of divinity , to take him out of the Cambridge chair after so short a tenure .
15 He thought it wrong to take him out of Cambridge so quickly .
16 Ramsey felt no sense of gratitude to anyone who moved him out of Durham .
17 The State winched him out of the professorial chair when the ecclesiastical authority was lukewarm .
18 Though they loved him as if he were their own child they left him out of all things that mattered in the running of the house .
19 As he ate and drank she found herself chattering away to him out of nervousness , a stream of things that went through her head , the small happenings of a day .
20 In 1955 Shelby raced a works Austin-Healey in the Carrera Panamericana — and came close to assuming the title of the late Carroll Shelby when a huge accident destroyed his car and put him out of circulation for several months .
21 ‘ We 'll have to snap him out of it and keep him to the exercises or he 'll ruin himself . ’
22 She had him out of bed , touching his toes , bending and swaying with outstretched arms , leaning this way and that , rotating his hips , raising and lowering his shoulders , until his mind was numbed and he obeyed her commands like a robot .
23 He felt grateful to her for dragging him out of the pit and back into the daylight .
24 If the union found against him , that would indicate a minimum four-week ban , ruling him out of Wales 's opening home championship match against France next month — unless , that is , his case were dealt with within the next fortnight .
25 Following Liberty Vallance he suffered a heart attack which forced him out of movies and into a career as a composer and painter , in the way that many Hollywood tough guys conceal a private sensitivity .
26 I think he was rather taken aback because my understanding is that he told David that he could get him out of the contract .
27 Well , of course , DeFries did n't get him out of the contract .
28 DeFries said he could get him out of anything .
29 ‘ Will she manage to get him out of the USA ? ’
30 Tim Reagan raised his hands in mock submission , surprised by his partner 's vehemence , and followed him out of the door .
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