Example sentences of "then is [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The problem then is to explain how the state came to be formed historically , through the dissolution of the primitive communal group ; and a broadly Marxist account of this process ( leaving aside here the diverse interpretations and controversies among Marxist sociologists and anthropologists ) rests essentially upon the conception of a change in the mode of production , involving a greater inequality of property , which itself is brought about by a development of the forces of production through technological progress .
2 The emphasis then is placed on a responsive state , interpreting change in terms of majority preferences .
3 The first task then is to define the skills which children will need to complete a project effectively .
4 Not only then is subcontracting widely practised but the small firms are so dependent on a limited range of buyers that they have little alternative but to accommodate to tight kanban schedules .
5 More than one million hotel rooms will be covered right from the start , and the idea then is to draw in as many of the smaller chains as possible .
6 And so for each one of them you might 've started by , having got all this , what you could do then is write for each individual element , a tank base , a tank wall a bedroom or a bathroom , you can produce , I would suggest , a little bar chart which might look like that , for one unit .
7 After the first three days she takes a purificatory bath , and then is given a complete mini-bridal trousseau by her father or , in his absence , her brother .
8 If market interest rates are unchanged , then is given .
9 The state 's involvement offers crucial protection , since failure to accept a coin or tampering with it in some way , like making a forgery , then is regarded as a crime against the state , and serious penalties including execution have frequently been normal for such activities .
10 The Publicity Officer post then is supported by training , and a direct managerial relationship with AD(B) .
11 The phytoplankton provides , and then is consumed .
12 The last point then is delivering the training .
13 The main finding then is to support the oft-cited hypothesis that ‘ multi-plant firms close their branch plants first ’ .
14 Scientific truth then is relegated to the place of an unintended consequence of the instrumental ( and not substantive ) rationality of agents in the economy of scientific practice .
15 And what I want then is to hold his hand in front of the television for several evenings a week , and if you do n't understand that , if you do n't know what that feeling is , if you do n't know why it 's like that then you know nothing , nothing , nothing .
16 The identification of the problem then is made by the adviser rather than the sufferer and the relationship between the need for legal services and the demands actually made by clients is exposed .
17 In terms of the papers in front of you this morning , Chair , the position is that , that is addressed over the three year period , and the figures do fluctuate between years , so there is a , as we 'll see later in the paper , there is a , a net expenditure total in year one which increases in year two , but then is offset by a , a reduction in year three .
18 You know like for example if I said come on chaps thank you , erm what you 're actually doing then is confessing to me that you have n't finish off Chapter ten questions .
19 The role of the hands then is to return the clubface squarely to the ball .
20 All you have to do then is get up there to knock them off .
21 All you have to do then is get up there to knock them off .
22 Okay , what we 'll do then is get you to sign this form here , we call it a green form fairly obviously from its colour and that means that I can do up to erm about eighty six pounds worth of er a bit more depending on on what we have to do , and you do n't have to pay us anything towards that .
23 The effect of the Act then is to give the police the legal power to intercept where there is the possibility that a public order offence might be committed .
24 All you have to do then is to take up the handles maintaining line tension , and either take two steps backwards smartly or pull the arms backwards and downwards in a smooth tugging action to set the kite aloft .
25 The question then is to decide on the basis of observation whether further action is appropriate .
26 When faced with proposals which offer ‘ a reorientation of communications cutting across traditional routes and boundaries ’ , which in English means building roads over people 's houses , and that routes for these roads are represented by a squiggle from a felt tip pen , which then is incorporated as the project logo , we must begin to wonder if the DED and DOE are poking fun at the communities likely to suffer .
27 The difficulty then is perceived by some to be that the law does not reach those persons who couch their racialist sentiments in moderate terms rather than virulently abusive ones , whereas — so the argument runs — this propaganda is equally insidious .
28 It is not entirely clear why the end of such features grows for a period and then is recurved back towards the coast .
29 Once every 100 years they resume their human shapes and renew their embraces ; anyone who sees them then is turned to stone .
30 The overall role of the professional-managerial class then is to reproduce the relationship of domination and subordination between the ruling and subject classes .
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