Example sentences of "him [adj] of " in BNC.

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1 He is serving a 20-year sentence imposed in 1988 by a military court which found him guilty of attempting to overthrow the government .
2 As someone said at the time , ‘ I could believe him guilty of grievous bodily harm , but not grievous bodily charm . ’
3 There was little dispute that D had committed the offence of dangerous driving , but did that automatically make him guilty of manslaughter when death resulted ?
4 Henry III 's interpretation of the Charter of the Forest was rejected by his subjects , who thought him guilty of a flagrant breach of the promises made by the Charter .
5 The jury took four hours yesterday after a nine-day trial to find him guilty of five charges of indecent assault .
6 To consider the issue in greater detail , the only circumstance under which his omission to treat his patient further could render him guilty of manslaughter is where he has failed to act in a situation where the criminal law imposes on him a duty to act and death has ensued .
7 If he were to discontinue treatment and merely make the child comfortable , the courts would not find him guilty of manslaughter .
8 In October a jury at Winchester Crown Court found him guilty of theft , perjury and fraudulent trading .
9 The board found him guilty of ‘ verbally abusing ’ tournament director Ann Yates and ‘ intimidating ’ referee John Street .
10 After a protracted investigation — ranging from Mr Hunt 's improper use of state aircraft for preaching tours , to his handling of political finances — a jury last week found him guilty of siphoning $100,000 from an inaugural fund into his own account .
11 He plays a photographer who spins a sinister web to trap prosecuting attorney Sean Young , who believes him guilty of sex crimes .
12 In Reg. v. Walhein ( 1952 ) 36 Cr.App.R. 167 , before the days of majority verdicts , after the jury had returned to court and one juror had said : ‘ I can not in my own mind find him guilty of the charge which prosecuting counsel have not proved , ’ the commissioner at the Central Criminal Court then said :
13 Following repeated breaches of the orders the judge , in the contemnor 's presence , found him guilty of contempt of court and committed him to prison for eight months .
14 On 11 June 1992 the husband was arrested at the wife 's house and on 12 June Judge Woodford , finding him guilty of breaches of the injunctions of 12 September 1991 and 12 May 1992 , sentenced him to eight months ' imprisonment for contempt of court .
15 It is arguable that this would be right ; but on the whole it seems to us that , whatever view is taken of the buyer 's moral duty , the law would be too strict if it made him guilty of theft .
16 If a person is rightly charged with larceny , but the jury in reliance on section 44(3) mistakenly convict him of obtaining by false pretences , the Court of Criminal Appeal can not substitute a verdict of guilty of larceny under section 5(2) of the Criminal Appeal Act 1907 ; for the verdict implies an acquittal of larceny , so that it can not ‘ [ appear ] to the Court of Criminal Appeal that the jury must have been satisfied of facts which proved him guilty of [ larceny ] ’ ( Rex v. Fisher ( 1921 ) 16 Cr.App.R. 53 ) .
17 No one believed him guilty of financial dishonesty but the governor , John Elphinstone ( thirteenth Baron Elphinstone , q.v. ) , demanded restitution of the money .
18 Thus , it is contrary to natural justice to inform an individual of only one complaint against him if there are two , or to find him guilty of a different offence from the one he was actually charged with .
19 She and Oliver believed him guilty of murder , she had no idea what Cobalt believed .
20 The kind of betrayal she 'd been believing him guilty of was mean , petty-minded , and he was none of those things .
21 Opponents of Meciar in Public Against Violence ( PAV , the senior partner in the ruling coalition ) , which he had effectively split in March by forming a separate minority faction [ see p. 38106 ] , had allied with the CDM in arranging a parliamentary investigation into Meciar 's recent conduct , which found him guilty of incompetence , lying , and abusing his access to former secret police files .
22 On April 30 a Pietermaritzburg Supreme Court judge sentenced a police station commander , Brian Mitchell , to death after finding him guilty of murdering 11 black mourners at a funeral in December 1988 .
23 A French jury found him guilty of involuntary manslaughter after a three-day trial in Paris .
24 Jones is not challenging the verdict of the FA commission , which found him guilty of bringing the game into disrepute , but he hopes for a reduction in the heaviest punishment ever imposed on an individual player .
25 He was jailed for four years at the High Court , Edinburgh in July 1992 when a jury found him guilty of indecently assaulting an 18-year-old boy he met in St Andrews Bus Station , Edinburgh .
26 Kenneth Andrew Sanderson , of Wallace Avenue , Huyton , was sentenced in January 1991 after a Southampton Crown Court jury found him guilty of the two robberies for each of which he received seven years , concurrent ; he got six months concurrent for an admitted burglary .
27 ‘ Perhaps I shall watch while she drinks her fill of his manhood and sucks him dry of his accursed wolfseed .
28 However , he had a darker side , and his commitment to his work , which often made him oblivious of companions ' feelings , was partly responsible for the failure of his first marriage .
29 But Karajan 's will was superhuman where music is concerned and he always had in his hand a trump card : a capacity for inner detachment that left him free of bitterness or rancour for all that has been written and said about him over the years .
30 The devil , Trent thought , and found himself smiling as he realised that continual fear had acted as a drug , lifting him free of reality in the same way that marathon runners broke through the pain barrier into an almost hallucinatory state of calm .
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