Example sentences of "him [art] [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 She had lost her love , and in her cottage was a woman preparing a possibly sapphic salad ; so Lydia gave him the works .
2 Though he had served as a diplomat in both London and Vienna he owed little to the ideas of the Enlightenment : his favourite author was Molière , not any eighteenth-century writer , and under him the works of Voltaire and Montesquieu , as well as Hobbes , Locke and Spinoza , were banned .
3 ‘ We call him the Eel … ’
4 The fiasco started when a letter was delivered to his home in Barnet , Herts , earlier this week informing him the £9.41 cheque would not be honoured .
5 His map of Derbyshire at a scale of one inch to a mile , begun in 1763 and published in 1767 , won him the £100 premium offered by the Society of Arts .
6 Her father-in-law watched her , sleepily , admiringly , then asked for one too ; she handed him the fruit whole .
7 To his horror , Legia — obviously inspired by American television — decided to make him the $6m man , a fee which inevitably frightened off even the wealthy Italians .
8 He longed to see the majestic height of a nobleman 's banquet hall and to eat swan stuffed with capons and quail as his mother had told him the gentry did .
9 and erm , they were absolutely chocker , they were really full and he said erm , I sa , he said he had n't had to fill them up at all in all the time that it 's been running , and no , I asked him if he had any enquiries and nobody stopped him and asked anything about it , and then he turned to the other lad who was beside him the sales assistant and he said no I 've had no enquiries at all , so that was it .
10 Despite their unfaithfulness to him the people chosen by God continued to dream of deliverance , and their songs spoke of an anointed one who would champion his people in the lists and free them from oppression and enemy occupation .
11 Wayne 's grandparents , Ken and Pat Peckham , paid just £1,700 for Champ whose marathon exploits quickly made him the people 's champion .
12 Give him the dice .
13 Universal , who had advanced him the $850,000 were even prepared for the fact that it challenged the American Dream and attacked American society for ‘ destroying itself ’ , told through its hero — played by Dennis — who is a Hollywood stunt man devoured by his quest for big cars , swimming pools and gorgeous girls .
14 However , when a one-time tenant called to say his possessions had been seized to pay his debts , Sheridan gave him the £300 which the man said would restore him to his former state .
15 . Do you know that card you bought him the duck ?
16 I have initiated him into the ‘ Secret Doctrine ’ , opened his centres of vision and given him the means to communicate with the Powers .
17 The pilot of a Fuji aircraft at about 500 feet agl on finals , who believed he was number four to land , saw a Cherokee type aircraft approaching him on a collision course from his 10 o'clock ; to him the aircraft appeared to be level or slightly high and under power , and his passenger saw the Cherokee 's landing light flash .
18 Moreover , Labour councillors do not defend their actions ; they put the county treasurer up to do it and then give him a £4,000 salary increase .
19 The sale also gives him a £49m profit to pay for acquisitions .
20 Top contender Henry Akinwande will not be available for domestic service until the summer , being booked for a Commonwealth title fight against New Zealand 's Jimmy Thunder in March and a European re-match with Germany 's Axel Schulz in Berlin on 1 May , which will net him a £75,000 purse .
21 An office cleaner went on a betting spree after a TSB error gave him a £10,000 bank overdraft , Liverpool Crown Court was told yesterday .
22 As the Empress Eugénie remarked : ‘ It was for him a cannon ball that he dragged at his feet all his life . ’
23 The Oxfam man took pity on him and brought him a pair from stock .
24 On his birthday Auntie Lou gave him a pair of leather gloves with fur linings and Mr Evans gave him a Holy Bible with a soft , red cover and pictures inside .
25 " We could give him a pair of spectacles , " Eddie suggested .
26 ‘ Yes , she said he needs some new pyjamas — his old ones are so worn through they 're hardly decent — so I went out and bought him a pair . ’
27 Ace handed him a pair of canisters .
28 Mrs Sargent had bought him a pair of shorts and some little shirts ; Emmie washed these herself because Mrs Hellyer , though kind and willing , was unskilful — clothes came out of her wash-tub a uniform grey , and crumpled .
29 He 'd only sustained minor injuries and the drummer had patched him up and given him a pair of free tickets for an anniversary concert in Tierra del Fuego .
30 At a secondhand shop they bought him a pair of rather tight jeans and also acquired a metal detector , opening up a whole range of possibilities .
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