Example sentences of "him [vb past] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In front rode Mr Rochester on his black horse , and with him rode a beautiful lady , her black curls streaming in the wind .
2 Beyond him rode the Lombard brothers grinning broadly and enjoying themselves .
3 The writer of the Book of Hebrews links the joy and suffering of Christ by saying : ‘ Let us fix our eyes on Jesus , the author and perfecter of our faith , who for the joy set before him endured the cross , scorning its shame , and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God . ’
4 and through him became a founder member of the Fitzroy Street Group , a small society of artists centred on the Soho area who were aware of post-Impressionist developments in France .
5 Caring for him became an almost full-time job because he could do so little for himself ; and it was difficult for Mary and Jim to go out together , especially as her father grew less able to get around , and he needed a great deal of help at home .
6 Naturally he could n't answer them all himself , so Post Office staff lent a hand and every kid who wrote to him got a reply , postmarked Reindeerland or Santaland .
7 The sunlight behind him penetrated the thinness of his ginger hair and polished his scalp .
8 Concentrating attention on tasks before him avoided the resuscitation of more painful parts of his life .
9 He made no reference to the separation and everyone who spoke to him avoided the subject .
10 But as I watched him pick his way along the lifeless paths , I understood how much of him expected the whole world to be mournful now that Montaine had abandoned it .
11 His starched collar , sober dark grey tweed suit , and the black bowler hat in the rack above him made no concessions to the seaside .
12 The empty alejacks scattered on the table before him made the coroner look like an angry Bacchus surrounded by votive offerings .
13 Mr L and the man next to him found the noises did not interfere with sleep but were worse on waking .
14 One side of him found the inspector attractive and amusing .
15 Despite the horrors he 'd seen , and the fierceness of his revulsion , some small part of him retained the fascination that had drawn him , Godolphin and their fellow experimenters together in the first place .
16 Turning the tables on him drew an expressionless silence for a few seconds , and then he smiled , his eyes gleaming in genuine amusement .
17 Although Harold Wilson did not equate with Bevan in personal terms — in colour or in rhetoric — he too can feel pleased that the condemnation that in many quarters was directed at him demonstrated the genuine respect for his qualities that his adversaries feared .
18 Morse thanked the man , and walked along to the ramp at the side of the flats , and down to a concreted area where five garages directly in front of him shielded the immediate view .
19 Walsh went first to Hungerford in search of Charles Mogg — ‘ by no means the most intelligent Man in the World ’ — and from him received a detailed account of his conversations with Thomas Jones and other villagers at Holford .
20 Behind him came a hefty , brisk-looking rabbit , something over twelve months old .
21 But as he did the wind caught at him even more mightily than before ; there was the sense of commotion and movement in the air and out of the darkness behind him came a terrible crack , a heave and a bang and whoosh such as he had never heard in his life .
22 From the darkness beside him came a sudden wild shout of laughter .
23 With him came a young staff officer destined to become one of Germany 's greatest commanders in the Second World War ; Erich von Manstein .
24 To him came the reports about the militia and its armaments , the loyalties and affiliations of the country gentry , the names of recusants , the affairs of Ireland , and the politics of foreign countries .
25 From inside the hut behind him came the sudden sound of gongs and drums being beaten and immediately a bare-breasted woman appeared in the doorway at the top of the stepped log , holding aloft a tall earthenware jar .
26 Behind him came the queen .
27 Behind him came the c. -in-c. and his staff .
28 Behind him came the Husayn twins .
29 ‘ He walked by the tree shade of sunny winking leaves , and towards him came the wife of Mr David Shehee MP .
30 The books were behind glass , and the reflection that stared back at him showed the face of a stranger .
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