Example sentences of "him [coord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I wonder whether therapy or counselling would help him and/or us .
2 If you feel that your child may be mixing with youngsters who sniff glue , you could talk to your child and warn him or her of the possible risks and dangers involved .
3 If your dog is an unusual first cross , please send us a photo and all the relevant details so we can include him or her in a future issue .
4 Contact your ward councillor and try to interest him or her — even if they are not on the committee they may be able to influence the councillors who will take the decision .
5 you stop employing him or her
6 Play him or her you can explain the results which you want from the session and the engineer can advise you on any extra equipment which you may need to hire .
7 For that reason , it is worth thinking about what is interesting about you from a journalist 's point of view before trying to woo him or her with your beautiful noise .
8 Generally , it is best for him or her to have some input into the management and other contracts instead of inheriting them from a lawyer .
9 The art of making a good deal as an agent is to keep the promoter 's costs down , while allowing him or her a sufficient budget to make sure the event is successful .
10 This proves the promoter 's confidence that every ticket will be sold , committing him or her to paying the artist a fee as if the event is a sell-out , however many people actually attend the gig .
11 The hard graft may be persuading him or her to do the job .
12 Drop by the record company , go to the reception , give your tape to the receptionist and try to persuade him or her to put your demo on to your target A&R person 's desk .
13 Clearly , if a member of the band has maintained the books until this point , it would n't be practical for him or her to continue .
14 When you meet your potential accountant , ask him or her about who else he or she acts for .
15 In normal or right sexuality , argues Scruton , we not only give recognition to the other 's person in and through our desire tor him or her , we also accord them accountability and care in the process .
16 The point made earlier about the potential empathy of the sexual outcast is here made in reverse — about a community in relation to him or her .
17 There is nothing like worldly success on the part of one academic to make all the others hate him or her .
18 Go to a hairdresser , ask him or her to come up with a style that suits you , your hair , your lifestyle , and emerge looking and feeling great .
19 Absence for seven years , coupled with the fact that a petitioner has no reason to believe that his or her spouse is alive , will enable him or her to ask the court to make a declaration that death is presumed and that the marriage is dissolved .
20 Each citizen may be said to have the right not to have sexual choices imposed on him or her ; whether the law should go further , and hold that each citizen has the right to pursue his or her sexual choices consensually with another ( subject to public-decency laws and to the protection of the young ) , is a question to be considered separately .
21 The adult commits the offence ; the law imposes on him or her the duty to resist whatever temptation is provided by the under-age person .
22 If your dog has n't presented a problem for years , is getting old but still appears to be healthy , and starts to display antisocial behaviour — check it out with your vet before you start to punish him or her for what might be a cry for help .
23 If your dog is an unusual first cross , please send us a photo and all the relevant details so we can include him or her in a future issue .
24 If there are fewer people around who knew the person who has died , then there are also fewer people to notice that the person is no longer there , and there are fewer people to talk about missing him or her .
25 ‘ I think that any down-side would more than be offset by the increased simplicity which single pricing would bring the client , allowing him or her to see exactly what they are getting . ’
26 ‘ Parents may think the best thing to do with a nervous child is to tell him or her not to worry .
27 This may require him or her to use what might be called ‘ metaphysical ’ terms .
28 The ‘ no meaning ’ atheist denies that the theist can state what observations would lead him or her to accept as true , or deny as false , the proposition that ‘ God exists ’ .
29 On the other hand , were every indication to be that there was no chance of the letter ever being posted — for example if the person was a known thief and there was no post-box within a hundred miles — then in this case giving him or her the letter would be regarded as stupid .
30 As we shall see , these days the concept of parental responsibility seems to demand considerably more involvement in a child 's education than simply packing him or her off to school every day .
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