Example sentences of "into the small " in BNC.

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1 Watched using X-rays , it was pushed through the main artery and into the small opening of the coronary arteries at the top of the heart .
2 Amid it all was their constant awareness of Moran 's watching presence , sharpening everything they did with the danger of letting something fall and break and bring the weight of his disapproval into the small chain .
3 THE GOVERNMENT moved last night to block a filibuster attempt by Labour MPs against the Local Government and Housing Bill which was threatening to extend Commons business into the small hours .
4 As I moved into the small museum , a male chorus started singing over the sound system : Glory , glory , it 's a hell of a way to die …
5 The train groaned and eased its aches as it drew into the small station .
6 It brought me back too precipitately into the small , dimly lit world of the hotel bedroom .
7 Mr Nellist was finance director of Bioplan Holdings until February when Hospital Corporation of America reversed into the small , listed healthcare company .
8 She had thought it must be well into the small hours .
9 The thought of getting into the small shaky enclosure of plaited metal strips which was the lift was suddenly more than he could contemplate .
10 The other hand grasped a kind of huge steering wheel attached to the side of the ladle , which they turned to tip the molten metal into the small holes in the mould-boxes .
11 El Capitan poked the baton hard into the small man 's stomach , doubling him , then raised it as if he was going to bring it down on his curled shoulder .
12 It stayed poised there for a moment and another question , another proclamation of innocence , then he brought it down ready to drive into the small man 's stomach again .
13 On Saturday the pupils could enjoy the austere pleasures of going into the small granite town of Elgin , something Richard did not enjoy but decided to do because his injured feet ruled out most alternatives .
14 Lionel Luyt told me that John quickly tagged on to him when they met during those Johannesburg seasons , and was eager for discussions which went on , after performances , into the small hours .
15 He followed Dimity into the small kitchen which smelt deliciously of gingerbread .
16 ‘ Wait and see , ’ she said , going into the small scullery .
17 I would follow the police officers escorting the prisoner or prisoners up a flight of stairs into the small but impressive court-room , where I took a chair reserved for reporters at counsel 's table .
18 Joe Asnett looked up as they walked unsteadily into the small flagstone floored back room .
19 ‘ How 's your ass ? ’ he quipped , and disappeared into the small dry heat room , laughing his head off .
20 There were people , people everywhere — huddled inside doorways trying to keep dry , crowding into the small , old-fashioned shops , and buying fruit and vegetables at bargain prices from the swarthy hawkers whose barrows were drawn up close to the kerb .
21 Emil beckoned me towards the kitchen end , and I went up there into the small lobby with a serving counter , a space that made a needed gap between the hot glittering galley and the actual dining area .
22 You step over piles of old papers and up past several floors of small businesses before being welcomed into the small , busy room that seems to be all the space that the magazine requires .
23 They went into the small drawing-room they always used when they were alone in the house .
24 His workshop is in Lotts Road , Chelsea and is an Aladdin 's cave ; trays of coloured gemstones , yards of sequins , buttons , beads , feathers and fans , gleaming armour , golden Egyptian mummies ' masks and much more are crammed with ordered chaos into the small rooms housing several staff , all happily hammering , stitching and gluing .
25 They had all just pushed their way into the house , and crowded into the small sitting room .
26 A friend treated her to a pukkah drinks-dispensing butler who asked if he might make a personal remark before teetering off into the small hours .
27 Fash 's packed schedule — he often holds business meetings well into the small hours and averages just five hours sleep a night — has not affected the common touch which makes him such a popular figure at Wimbledon .
28 Heel : Tremendously powerful ; the entire force of your movement is concentrated into the small hard area of your shoe heel .
29 ( They pick up PROF ENO and throw him into the small drainage channel that runs alongside the playing field )
30 Some still threw buckets of snow into the small flames that lived .
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