Example sentences of "have been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , if the treatment really worked I should have been Elastoplasted all over .
2 If the treatment really worked I should have been elastoplasted all over .
3 If the link had been spotted , Sir Anthony concluded , Barlow Clowes 's operations would have been halted in 1984 .
4 Had Conner beaten Kanza on Wednesday , the defence semi-final would have been halted , with Conner and Koch each having a place in the final .
5 But in fact it was the docking crew as a whole who were at fault , because the platform 's progress towards the support cradle should have been halted as soon as it passed completely through the field , so that earthing and other safety procedures could be instigated .
6 So it 's , it is a , it 's a survival in that m , in in that respect , and ye is t , is merely , erm , an archaic version of the , and and would have been pronounced ye .
7 Steel-casting companies in Spain which in Britain would have been bankrupted are continuing to offer steel-castings at artificially low prices , and indeed inefficient capacity and production is not only being maintained but is even being purposely created ; while in France the producers of steel-castings are benefiting from soft loans from mostly state-owned banks .
8 Clearly without the deprivation payments some good inner city practices would have been bankrupted by the new contract .
9 Steve would have been steering , but his mind was on other things .
10 What had gone awry , that he should have been led to this pass , and even now he felt himself following , perforce , the twists of his fortune , headlong as a fall , when he should have been steering his own course and bearing them strongly with him ?
11 There has been speculation that the body was booby-trapped before it left Awiel , and may have been timed to explode in mid-air .
12 In all , over £3,000,000 will have been raised in what has been a record fund-raising year .
13 He remembered a swamp draining into a lagoon some distance to the right of the highway — the road must have been raised for him to have seen that distance .
14 Indeed , on 1 September 1939 ( by the Act passed in 1936 ) the school-leaving age would have been raised to fifteen — without much preparation , it seems .
15 This issue must have been raised before and BSM would presumably be gratified to see the situation successfully resolved , once and for all .
16 That is to say neither do I believe , in the terms of classical Christology , that Jesus of Nazareth could have had , as well as his human nature , a divine nature ; nor do I believe that he could have been raised from the dead , so acquiring uniqueness through God 's act of raising him .
17 Visibility and consciousness of women artists ' works will have been raised once again and , with the availability of printed material , documented for further work .
18 However in the light of the subsequent prosecution appeal to the House of Lords and the doubt discussed above concerning whether the non-certified points of appeal could have been raised there , B's position was tantamount to a person who loses on the one point of appeal judicially addressed and who is given no answer to his remaining points of appeal .
19 ‘ 37(1) Any notice , demand or order against which an appeal might be brought to a county court under this Part of this Act shall , if no such appeal is brought , become operative on the expiration of 21 days from the date of the service of the notice , demand or order , and shall be final and conclusive as to any matters which could have been raised on such an appeal , and any such notice , demand or order against which an appeal is brought shall , if and so far as it is confirmed by a county court judge , or the Court of Appeal , become operative as from the date of the final determination of the appeal .
20 He took the view that the matters raised by the counterclaim would better have been raised by judicial review .
21 In my view , a number of the points raised in his petition are matters which could have been raised at the appeal .
22 That may change ; for , in recent years , developments in banking and commercial circles have led to the invention of a remarkable array of new and highly sophisticated types of ‘ securitised ’ loan investments as a result of which finance , which would formerly have been raised by a straightforward bank loan ( for most purposes not a debenture ) may be obtained through the issue of instruments , some of which for most purposes unquestionably are debentures and others of which may or may not be .
23 A few sinuous ridges are seen , steep on both sides , and these too may have been raised by interior contraction .
24 The cereals grown would have been taken down the long lane to the water mill to be ground for flour , whilst vegetables , poultry and perhaps pigs would have been raised in the crofts behind each farmstead in the village street .
25 By using individual company case-studies and macro-economic evidence , this research will provide some answers to the questions of why these alternatives failed , and whether productivity could have been raised by a general adoption of different incentive and reward structures in industry .
26 It was hoped that over £100,000 would have been raised through the day 's efforts .
27 There was , however , one point that might not have been raised .
28 Many of the points on curriculum , organization , staffing , finance and teaching methods would not have been raised otherwise .
29 Since Childebert I is said to have acknowledged Gundovald 's claim to Merovingian blood , the issue must have been raised before 558 , perhaps long before .
30 it would be the matter that would have been raised at our board meeting and relayed on
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