Example sentences of "have on the " in BNC.

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1 the question of what balance can be attained in a book is a familiar problem to literary critics , who are divided in their views into at least two camps , one favouring attention being paid mostly to the text itself , while the other prefers to take other questions into account , including the effect the writer 's life may have on the text .
2 Burridge ( 1969 ) has written most persuasively about the effects which fieldwork can have on the anthropologist , describing the prophetic experience this can produce .
3 Obviously you can not know in advance which type of mat will be used at a particular tournament , so you should do your final training on any type of mat , just to get used to the feel , and then try to use any free time you may have on the actual competition areas to get a little practice in beforehand .
4 Their responsibility for improving relations between police and public makes them sensitive to the disastrous effect that wrongly exercised discretion can have on the public 's perception of the RUC .
5 Moreover , neighbourhood police expressed a sensitivity to the effect which these casual encounters might have on the safety of those they talked to ‘ for you do n't know who 's watching ’ .
6 Kingfisher risks having its bid held up by a Monopolies Commission investigation because of the grip it would have on the electrical retailing market if it controlled Dixons and Currys as well as Comet .
7 What impact the British offer would have on the brain drain , which is expected to push over 10 per cent of the population out of the colony before China 's 1997 takeover , was not clear .
8 Mr Tony Benn , the Labour MP for Chesterfield , is concerned with the effect abolishing rights of common would have on the Greenham women 's protest .
9 The debate on these options in Whitehall was one-sided , because the RAF wanted to maintain its hold on the deterrent and the Navy was still uncertain about what effect a take-over bid would have on the future size and shape of the Fleet .
10 Less easy to determine is precisely what impact the newcomers , a familiar mixture of trade union officials and members of the teaching profession , would have on the political hue of the parliamentary party .
11 ‘ We are surprised at the decision and we fear the effect it could have on the battle against doping .
12 But the FA 's reply confirmed that they would not allow the match to take place because they were worried about the effect it might have on the pitch .
13 But they are concerned about the psychological effect the experience may have on the girls .
14 WITH all the generation of hot air in the past few weeks , one might ask what effect this will have on the ozone layer ?
15 The petrochemical industry has a tendency ‘ to rush head-on into investing in more petrochemical plants during the ‘ good times ’ , with wanton disregard for the impact this new capacity will have on the downside leg of the cycle ’ .
16 Concern centred on what effect this radioactive sea would have on the health of people in the area , especially if they ate large quantities of fish .
17 At all three chosen sites — near the villages of Gwithian and Luxulyan and on military land at Nancekuke once used to store chemical weapons — there was immediate concern , particularly at the effect any sort of accident would have on the vital West Country tourist industry .
18 For my part I simply can not predict what effect , for good or ill , this kind of centralization would have on the education service .
19 And anyone who has ever seen the devastating effects of alcohol addiction on the alcoholic , his or her friends and family will understand only too well the dramatic and destructive influence it can have on the lives of all concerned .
20 This is not only because of the harmful effects they can have on the physical self but also because the need for them indicates a severe deficiency in the emotional self — a deficiency which needs to be helped and treated rather than disguised .
21 We also speak of being ‘ consumed ’ with guilt and , although we are not literally eaten away , the phrase is not so very far from the truth when you consider the harmful effect guilt can have on the physical body .
22 Knowledge of the devastating effect which even a limited nuclear attack would have on the environment and the people in it has motivated increasing numbers to campaign vociferously for nuclear disarmament , either multilateral or unilateral .
23 Because the position the typing line will have on the printed page does not appear onscreen , it is vital to check the sizes of your margins to make sure you get the placing you require ; for instance , to line up with a letterhead ( see Task 18 ) .
24 The introduction of the National Curriculum from the child 's point of view is to be judged against the effect it will have on the world which children and teachers occupy .
25 The next sections of the paper examine a number of the key proposals in relation to the impact they may have on the assessment of efficiency .
26 No-one , except perhaps a few scientists , had any idea of the long-term effects the dropping of these two bombs would have on the unfortunate Japanese — and perhaps even the scientists were unsure .
27 The problem is not so much the effect this will have on eastern and central African populations of leopard , which are relatively stable , but the disastrous impact it could have on the species elsewhere .
28 What effect do solitons have on the properties of polyacetylene ?
29 She said that some of her council members were worried about the effect my outfit would have on the young girl athletes who were running at the meeting .
30 Mink are a growing problem and we can not quite anticipate the effect they will have on the rabbit population .
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