Example sentences of "have [been] show " in BNC.

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1 We should have been shown excerpts from Wasps v Leicester and Gloucester v Bath , not to mention Neath v Bath ; though the niggly Harlequins v Wasps match would have put the indulgent enthusiasm even of Starmer-Smith under some strain .
2 But why , in that case , could not some rugby have been shown on the Grandstand programme ?
3 Had we stayed longer at that depth , necessitating a stop , it would have been shown on the bar graph ( deco stop ceiling ) and the main display for the duration of that stop .
4 It is , however , easy to become anxious about applying the Technique in our day-to-day lives , even though we may have been shown what to do and even though we know that our ordinary sensory perception may be faulty .
5 On those occasions when dependence on the providence of some undefined ‘ god ’ has apparently been effective and some relief from troubles apparently obtained , it could have been shown that the relief came , in reality , from a human source .
6 Given that , in 1837 , Buxton initially opposed an immediate move against apprenticeship it is doubtful how much deference would have been shown his leadership by the convention , but he had anyway lost his seat at the recent election .
7 The frightening film of the American Airlines DC-10 from which an engine fell clear during take-off from Chicago must have been shown on more television screens than any other comparable occurrence , and so it goes on until we reach the most horrifying event involving the South Korean Boeing 747 which was deliberately shot down north of Japan by Soviet Russian fighters with the loss of 269 lives .
8 I spent a week on the rack , far away from home , constantly trying to achieve this extra margin which , I hardly need to point out , would have gone straight down to the bottom line and would have been shown as profit .
9 ( Teachers used to living in subject blinkers are sometimes startled to find that films chosen as " starters " for topic work in their subject may already have been shown by another teacher in a different context .
10 A defence of acting in her best medical interests fails : he could have tried to find a female gynaecologist , and , indeed , his female house officer had already examined the patient ; a pelvic mass could have been shown by ultrasonography ; if it was necessary to exclude pelvic disease a laparoscopy could have been performed before the appendicectomy ; it is doubtful whether the examination under anaesthesia served any purpose as tenderness could not be elicited ; and , finally , he could have asked the patient first whether an examination under anaesthesia was an acceptable compromise .
11 And if God 's law had been obeyed , special care would have been shown to a widow by her family and friends .
12 They decided that as there was nothing shown on the sheet , there was nothing there and if there was , it should have been shown .
13 In the past , her pupils would have been shown the way to work this out , given the formula to memorise , and in many cases they would have forgotten it .
14 Erm you had a statement of Barbara 's , if it was in there , it was planned so that you crew can work harder erm although you filled in the bonus question well , the there was a tend dangerous tendency for you be sucked in to go into the bonus and I think you did well to say yeah well we 'd better walk along to that so you held out which was nice because if I had if you had n't tackled that you might have been shown the door once you 'd gone through that .
15 Most people we spoke to believed it should have been shown , but not all .
16 Accordingly , the 1992 pre-tax profits of £32.5 million were really up only 1 per cent on figures for 1991 which would otherwise have been shown as £32.2 million .
17 Alan Beith , Treasury spokesman for the Liberal Democrats , said he was perturbed that ‘ so little acceptance should have been shown by the bank of the scale of failing which is brought out in the report ’ .
18 But I think that if it had been , the horses should have been showing distress by last night , which they were n't .
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