Example sentences of "them so that " in BNC.

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1 If there are relatives and friends , arrangements will often be made to suit them so that they can attend .
2 The problem is how to link them so that they become like sentences in a play or poem .
3 Place them so that air can freely circulate around the back .
4 Yet the bowlers defended well , and only Richardson mastered them so that the closing overs were tense .
5 Good lecterns today also have space for microphone wiring built into them so that you do n't have wire trailing around the place and looking unsightly , or a big boom mike stand in front .
6 Paul Healy finds manufacturers adapting them so that users can play Frankenstein and tinker with the bolt through the neck
7 Let us try to recognise our faults and seek to overcome them so that we can learn to feel self-respect .
8 He rolled and tied them so that the wind would n't tear them out of his hands while he tried to position them .
9 Then in the machine shop we mill and grind them and bore holes in them so that they can be assembled into more complex products , like engines .
10 John wrote at length to Hanns about colour , shapes and general effect desirable , and asked him to ‘ do a few rough sketches and send them to me to give to Cecily ; number them so that I can just send you back a telegram saying ‘ Do number three ’ say , unless there is more to be said . ’
11 All the Brownies agreed , and so Beegee promised to see what she could do about getting old-fashioned uniforms or photographs of them so that mothers could make them in the style of earlier days .
12 This will not necessarily stop the Not-OK feelings but it at least contains them so that they do n't damage the transaction .
13 The words ‘ I ask you , son , to care for the lands which will come to you with your usual diligence and look after them so that they may come to your sons ’ , although they do not sufficiently express a trust but advice rather than obligation to leave the lands , are none the less regarded as having the force of a trust in favour of the grandsons after the death of their father .
14 Provide pots that can be half-filled with water and then have stones dropped into them so that children can see the water level rising and find out about displacement .
15 Some of the men had brought ropes and small axes with them so that , while they were in the forest , they could carry back a load of firewood rather than returning empty-handed if they did n't get the boar .
16 Your best bet is to give the person who is going to do most of the riding top priority ; if a five foot five woman and her six foot husband want a horse between them so that she can compete and he can hack , they should find that a 16hh middleweight that is deep through the girth will suit them both .
17 He must be encouraged to bascule over them so that he is ready to jump the more demanding and athletic type fences he is bound to encounter later on .
18 But he points out that what decided the issue was Peter 's laying the irrefutable facts of the matter before them so that ‘ when they heard this their doubts were silenced ’ .
19 I mute them so that I can switch two wirelesses on at the same time , because if you have two on together they screech .
20 ‘ These days they build breaks into them so that if they do knock one over by mistake , it does n't take the whole lot with it . ’
21 The central question , then , is not whether or not we should tolerate the rules and conventions , the systems of thought , the preconceptions that regulate enquiry and instruction — for if our enterprise is to have any significance at all we have to — but which rules , conventions , and preconceptions are likely to offer us the most relevant and reliable set of bearings for our work , and how we are to use them so that we can allow for their modification , or even their complete replacement , when new insights and experiences need to be accommodated .
22 John 's aim had been to frighten them so that they would not again attack Derek .
23 Starting at the top , carefully remove the stones or bricks , and stack them so that they can be replaced in the correct position
24 Vary them so that your customers do n't get used to your routine .
25 But he was either moody and difficult , or else in tearing spirits , playing with the children and upsetting them so that their mother would come and whip them afterwards for the noise they made .
26 Most of the signals are only noted subconsciously but , with a little effort , it is quite easy to become more aware of them so that , should a warning bell ring at the back of your head , you will know it is time to be careful .
27 We may constantly try to assert our individuality and separateness from others by inevitable disagreement , rejection of their views and immediate aggression towards them so that we stage pre-emptive strikes .
28 But these are filtered through social structures and affected by them so that the place of women in particular societies bears directly on their well-being in old age .
29 Even when the carer is a relative , when dementia is the disease carers may feel as if the old person has in a sense already died and left them so that ‘ this is not the mother I used to know ’ .
30 Colour them so that there is a different number of red sweets in each jar .
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