Example sentences of "them at night " in BNC.

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1 She was about m add , ‘ I suppose that 's because you 're a tramp and sleep amongst them at night sometimes , ’ but stopped herself in time .
2 Mammalian carnivores will also kill birds of prey if they can catch them at night on the nest or roost , and many of the smaller carnivores are themselves taken by larger owls or eagles , although not without danger to themselves .
3 The fishermen catch them at night , using bright lights to attract the molluscs ' attention .
4 There are those who claim that canvassing the votes of the electorate is a waste of time : that they are at least as likely to vote for you if you leave them alone as they are if you go round and bother them at night .
5 ‘ Barn owls ? ’ he said ; ‘ well , they might be an' all as we only close them at night .
6 I hug my children to death and get into bed with them at night .
7 They used to make like ornaments out of scrap things , you know oh they was alright , they , they used to bring them in a a lorry used to bring them er in a morning then collect them at night you know .
8 In the afternoons fishermen in small skiffs laid nets along the low island of reeds which lay between us and the main channel , returning to gather them at night .
9 Well I do n't agree with that , I think that when your in love with someone you want to be with them all the time , you think about them during the day , you think about them at night , you just want to be with them and usually you like how they look , you like how they talk , they like , you like how they treat you and er to me that 's , its wonderful , just
10 In February 1944 , after his twentieth victory , nineteen of them at night , Braham was taken off intruder and escort work and put in charge of night operations at No. 2 Light Bomber Group headquarters .
11 Read them at night when , despite yourself , you are held awake as your aircraft refuels in transit , by the grunting of trucks or the murmur of bureaucratic voices .
12 Nigel started a kind of evening shift , that you was there with your kids during the day and then your husband got them at night and you come out and worked at nights , so it
13 Do you know why we can see them at night and not at day time .
14 Yes this is probably see them at night time .
15 Or did you imagine I did nothing else all day but case joints and then rob them at night ? ’
16 ‘ But I like to be there with them at night .
17 You would n't get them at night college , because people who go to night school go because they want to learn , and if there 's any you 've got running around as you call it , will be thrown out !
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