Example sentences of "them at [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Firms like ICI or Ford might , as in earlier years , have been able to build larger or more technically advanced sets for their own electricity supplies , but faced with the same shortages of steel and skilled men as the supply industry , they were now less inclined to branch out in this way , particularly as the BEA were selling electricity to them at prices based on historic costs , even though the new power stations were costing more .
2 It is surprising in a way that we remember these things , for those of us living off Greenwich Mean Time witnessed them at hours well past our normal bedtime .
3 Susan came down for breakfast today , and they had an exciting time opening their parcels , for their father 's illness had prevented their making friends in the neighbourhood ; but there was plenty to do and talk about , and they steadfastly refused to give way to the depression that naturally overcame them at times .
4 Can staff arrange for others to work for them at times of crisis ?
5 A dozen or more of them at times .
6 No I ca n't er , I ca n't tell you that I did definitely , although I , I 've heard a lot of them at times but er , I 'm not sure .
7 Now the boatmen they used to erm the name , the family of a name of , and the old man , the grandfather his name was and then they had three sons who were boatmen , one was called Arthur John , one had a nickname of Snowball , the other one 's name was George and they used to er , some of them at times used to row from the lock gates out to the Cork Lightship together to get a boat , so they made sure of roping that boat in at , at er in the dock or at Cliff Quay and course they used to get the captain of the ship to sign er a bill and they used to take that to the , to the shipping agent and then he 'd pay 'em the money .
8 Barnsley survived fierce pressure but Boro struggled to create real scoring chances , though luck was against them at times .
9 I have got to try and help them at times like this when they need me . ’
10 I have got to try and help them at times like this when they need me . ’
11 This would enable readers to identify outhoused books , and to submit requests for them at times which tie in with the scheduled delivery service .
12 By the end of his first year , more that sixty village lectures had been provided , about one-third of them at Women 's Institutes , and five short courses were arranged in villages near Ipswich .
13 Indeed the Americans soon found themselves moving yet closer to Britain , especially once they discovered that their own initiatives ( not least their pressure on Israel ) still left them at loggerheads with Egypt and the Arab radicals .
14 Keeping them at arms length guarantees that they will be lukewarm or confused in their support and their potential as marketers of the school will lie untapped .
15 Some dictators had been keen to forge triple alliances including foreign firms ; other had kept them at arms ' length .
16 When you go to light them , use a wick and light them at arms length .
17 It was because of Phil Dad said I could rehearse with them at weekends . ’
18 I also made contact with the local cycle touring group and did several rides with them at weekends and on Tuesday evenings .
19 ‘ It 's the first one this autumn , ’ Loretta admitted , ‘ but I usually have them at weekends in the winter . ’
20 Well I , I 'd be wearing them at weekends , so , you know just , just just slouching around in really , well you know , perhaps , cycling yeah .
21 It was our local radio station , it said you had to represent them at functions and charity events , it sounded dead good .
22 But it will be crucial for them to move on quickly to those considerable differences — on politics , the boycott and the role of sport in social change — which have set them at odds and made tonight 's meeting necessary .
23 Their in-built Tory majority , which from time to time ( ie , during a Labour government ) plainly puts them at odds with the nation , tends to be exaggerated .
24 He attacked her and threw her to the ground before turned his attention to the pub , picking up pool balls and throwing them at bottles of spirits behind the bar .
25 There are even courses on them at colleges and universities .
26 Nigel Mansell is a man whose life revolves around cars , not satisfied with just racing them at speeds of up to 200 mph , his business life is based around them .
27 It was a fact that 4,000 British hostages were held by Saddam Hussein to be used as human shields by stationing them at places which might be attacked by the allied forces .
28 I wonder if Tod 's new interest in women is a professional interest , connected to his dealings with them at AMS : his custodial scrutiny of disturbed or distempered female flesh .
29 It was only when lapidaries had discovered how to release the fire of diamonds by cutting them at angles devised to admit and reflect the maximum amount of light that the coloured varieties of transparent stones were subjected to the same treatment .
30 We have total control over everything from what designs we use , to actually selling them at gigs , ’ says Solowka .
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