Example sentences of "its [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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31 Atherosclerosis appears to proceed at a more rapid rate and is more extensive in the diabetic ( Crall & Roberts , 1978 ) , but the process does not differ in its morphological appearance nor in its anatomical distribution compared to the non-diabetic ( Strandness et al , 1964 ; Robertson & Strong , 1968 ) .
32 In principle it should be possible to describe the functional organization of the brain simply by studying its anatomical organization and the functions of its individual components , the neurons .
33 In spite of the figure 's obvious archaeological and anthropological interest , there is no denying its anatomical prowess , as one correspondent to the local paper made clear .
34 The farmhouse lay below them , its fire-gutted wing black in the autumn afternoon , a low glow as from an oil-lamp coming from one window of the other wing .
35 The work which has , since 1986/87 , been achieved by Action for Governors ' Information and Training ( AGIT ) took its beginnings from a very wide range of agencies : both through its original base at the Community Education Development Centre in Coventry and through its non-governmental funding , it has been able to take account of differing interests and pressures .
36 In an editorial in the August issue of its inhouse magazine , Taxation Practitioner , president Jennifer Ainsworth wrote that there should be a call for the faculty to withdraw its proposals .
37 Maybe it had got used to it ; maybe it had got used to its sore nose , too .
38 This is the most spectacular section of the Dee , its steep confining walls fringed by dense woodlands and its rocky bed much too rough for the passage of walkers not addicted to hard labour and who have respect for their clothes .
39 Carreg Cennen standing high on its rocky bluff
40 Her life is over-emphasized — ‘ blooming ’ , her freshness — ‘ dew ’ , and her exceeding fairness ; the ‘ fountain' , clearly made a symbol of life in the poem of that title , ‘ trips ’ 'from its rocky cave' — possibly in association with ‘ basket ’ a reference to the return of Proserpine from the underworld , combining the idea of spring and the return of a daughter .
41 Glamorgan is way up on Devil 's Peak , and the sight of misty blue clouds hovering over its rocky peaks , so low that you feel that you could touch them , is so awe-inspiring that one feels all it needs is God 's voice thundering from the sky to make you fall flat on your face and worship .
42 He was n't very fond of the river Wye , for its rocky crevasses had claimed too many young lives even during the short time he had been there .
43 She had been impressed by the view , the quite breath-taking view , from the headland of Posillipo round to the curiously named Egg Castle , a box of brown stone on its rocky promontory in the Bay and on farther to the Sorrento Peninsula beyond .
44 A side road turns off to Achmelvich , renowned for its rocky coast and excellent sandy beaches , but on a recent visit I was disappointed to find the place robbed of its appeal by a tight concentration of caravans .
45 Its steep sides are thronged with Goblin strongholds and its rocky slopes overlay caves and tunnels that are riddled with evil creatures .
46 Something about its original vaunted status as a " Palace of the People " fired the imagination of anybody who came into contact with it , and overcame the doubts that its rocky track record as a business prospect might have occasioned .
47 I can not express to you the charm that hangs about a mountain like Ben Each as the mists swathe its rocky sides ; they rise , they fall , they whirl , they soar as on wings of light , they cast shadows , they give grand mystery , and anon reveal some hidden dell , some great bare precipice , or perhaps display a glowing patch of verdure .
48 Mottle Foin , the only foin on which trees grew , little stunted pines making a black dappling on its surface , was the highest hill on the moor after Big Allen and now its rocky hump hid the Milder 's northerly curves , Pierce Foin and all of Lustley Dale .
49 Away to his right the lighthouse stood on its rocky island like a picture in a story book and it all reminded him of his first holiday by the sea at the age of seven .
50 Ease Gill Beck rises on the slopes of Crag Hill and after an uneventful early passage meets limestone on the 1200-ft contour , whereupon its flow becomes extremely erratic ; its rocky channels are tortured by fissures and crevices that take much of the water .
51 Established around 1230 by the Welsh prince Llywelyn the Great , the castle stands perched on its rocky peninsula over the little seaside resort and commands superb views over Tremadog Bay .
52 In its enclosed valley basin the fume and grime from the cheap coal of its suburban collieries with iron works , brass foundries and glass works was already driving the wealthier merchants up into the healthy heights of Clifton by the 1720s .
53 But how could the advantages of the klystron with its enclosed resonators be combined with the more favourable geometry of the magnetron ?
54 The name Leconfield derives from Llecen-Fylliad , meaning ‘ the flat stone in the gloomy shade ’ , and its enclosed area was the sacred theatre in which rites of initiation into druidical mysteries were solemnized and in which aspirants performed their probationary noviciates .
55 On his face , with its childlike planes and arrogant nostrils and affectingly large eyes , was a distinct absence of the play of simple expressions that usually took place there .
56 But the picture watched him , with its beautiful face and its cruel smile .
57 The pain was intense , gripping her with its cruel talons , biting deep , but not so deep that it wiped out the sudden rush of anger she felt at his blind stubbornness .
58 There were rings of blue fire round its cruel eyes , too .
59 It showed its great white teeth angrily , and its cruel eyes shone mercilessly in the lamplight .
60 That dark red shape was a giant carp turning in the water , its head facing east , its tail flicking out towards Marseilles hsien , its cruel mouth open , poised to eat Lake Balaton which , like a tiny minnow , swam some three hundred li to the east .
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