Example sentences of "when at [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There was , presumably , a sound evolutionary reason for the fact that no one had yet designed a lavatory in which the occupant faced away from the door , some relic of the time when primitive man was most at risk when at stool , but it did mean that the lavatory user was finely tuned to the approach of strangers .
2 What formulae do you recite to yourself when at stool ?
3 This experience can happen when at sea .
4 Then , when I remarked it was strange that when a person was in trouble , one forgot at once any little grudge one had against them , so that bearing grudges must be only skin-deep , my friend disagreed : she thought the change of heart was because one was willing to be magnanimous when at advantage , having the upper hand .
5 ‘ A man shouted out when at prayer and wept .
6 When at school , he was bored .
7 He would have corrected his flattened and crooked nose — broken in an accident when at school — immediately if he had ever had the money .
8 4 Extract from the author 's early essay on ‘ The Younger Generation and Politics ’ , submitted to Faber & Faber when at school , inscribed with T.S .
9 This project will examine the experiences and characteristics in early adulthood of people who had truanted when at school .
10 Even when at work the AL of maintaining a safe environment can not be forgotten .
11 When at work , even in a house , do not tolerate interference .
12 When at play , Jane watched him with delight as he rolled about on the floor with mirth at the English ‘ W ’ .
13 For the young , there must have existed an inherited inborn enjoyment of life , for it can fairly safely be assumed that the pleasure experienced by them when at play , so obvious to modern man , must have been observable all through evolution .
14 How does the Prime Minister justify sending his son to a private school where nearly £4,000 a year is spent on each child when at present half the children in Tory-run Cambridgeshire 's secondary schools receive only half that amount and when that authority is currently reducing its budget by almost £2 million ?
15 They thought that he looked antique , when at rest .
16 They also have broad noses and sideways facing nostrils , and tend to sit in a hunched position when at rest .
17 The Old World monkeys tend to sit upright when at rest and many have special thick-skinned sometimes brightly coloured pads on their rear ends .
18 And when at rest , does man 's best friend lie in contemplation of his next act , or of the possible menus for his next meal ?
19 When at rest during the daytime , the animal looks as though it is wrapped in a camouflaged fur blanket that matches the bark of the branch to which it clings , head uppermost .
20 As the cockpit is likely to be used a lot while sailing in the trades and while in harbour , it seems a pity that the tiller should take up such a large amount of space , although when at rest it can be lifted out of the way .
21 Both sexes recognisable by heavy shovel-shaped bill producing characteristic head-down attitude when at rest or swimming on water .
22 Has shorter bill than White Stork ( p. 43 ) , and shows no black at all when at rest .
23 But although they live on the edge of Wentworth Golf Course , Lady Haslam prefers gardening when at home .
24 For example , if the person is severely incapacitated and has difficulty in mobilising , it can be important to know whether , when at home , it is necessary to go upstairs to the toilet .
25 I had a natural ability to entirely forget the theatre when at home , and vice versa , which was extremely useful .
26 His great-nephew described how when at home on Sundays the Bishop would have twelve poor men and women to dine with him in his hall , ‘ always endeavouring while he fed their bodies to comfort their spirits by some cheerful discourse , generally mixt with some useful instruction .
27 From the individual 's point of view , his whole life is governed by whether or not he is on the ‘ go-team ’ or co-ordinator 's list , and when at home , out of working hours , every time the telephone rings there is the possibility that the inspector will be on his way to any place on earth within an hour or so .
28 When at home , Mr Berisha 's main preoccupation is keeping his unruly party under control .
29 7 Explain how to care for themselves when at home and who to contact if problems are experienced .
30 But Lily , who avoided her socially when at home , found it difficult to cope with her here .
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