Example sentences of "when in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And when in 1973 the Lord Chief Justice was asked to ‘ give some guidance upon the phrase ‘ cohabiting as man and wife ’ he swiftly handed back the poisoned cup , saying that the phrase was ‘ so well known that nothing I could say about it could possibly assist in its interpretation hereafter ’ .
2 The final period of the Kettering scheme came when in 1938 the Cassell Trustees agreed to renew their grant for a further two years on a reducing scale with a concluding sum of £50 in 1940 to extinguish their support .
3 When in 1913 Alison Neilans of the Ladies ' National Association announced that ‘ we and our former antagonists can work cordially together ’ , Wilson explained that the olive branch was a result of the change of heart among medics and their new expansive definition of health .
4 When in 1913 the Dublin Employers ' Federation staged a lock-out to prevent workers joining the ITGWU , Connolly returned to Dublin : poverty defeated the workers in February 1914 .
5 That is , one does not abandon one 's ideals or principles when in certain situations one has to act contrary to them .
6 When in 1897 the Vickers steel company acquired the Maxim–Nordenfelt Guns & Ammunition Co. , as well as the Naval Construction & Armaments Co. of Barrow , Zaharoff was retained as principal overseas agent .
7 When in 1952 Michael Ventris announced he had succeeded in deciphering Linear B and that it was an archaic form of Greek , howls of indignant refutation were raised by the fraternity of linguistic experts as a matter of course , and when , with that beautiful sense of timing which nemesis has , a whole library of Linear B tablets was unearthed in Pylos on the Greek mainland one year later , translations of which confirmed Ventris 's conclusion , the experts did the only thing they could under the circumstances : they accused the discoverer and Ventris of having forged them .
8 Hankin cleared the decks when in temporary charge and team-strengthening is essential .
9 When in 1795 it began holding a series of open-air demonstrations in London , surprising numbers seem to have attended — possibly more than 100,000 , given the tendency for such occasions to become " fairs " with women and children attending as well as men .
10 The BDDA again proved its usefulness when in 1931 insurance against third party risks was made by law compulsory for motorists .
11 Understatement is most effective when in stark contrast with a highly charged force field .
12 All writing depends on the materials with which it is executed , so when in European countries surfaces such as vellum , and instruments like the reed pen took the place of stone and chisel , the joining of letters into cursive styles became possible .
13 Their relationship was further impaired when in 1954 Pound criticized Eliot 's Christianity as " lousy " ; Eliot wrote a caustic letter back .
14 This may have indicated that wives had attended courses more frequently in the past and , therefore , felt less inhibited when in mixed company .
15 Though water is a solid for much of the polar year , and generally poor in minerals even when in liquid form , both snow and aquatic polar habitats support life .
16 Thus a certain brinkmanship has gone on , with a hospital discharging an elderly person home , ostensibly on trial and then refusing to re-admit when in two or three days it is clear the person can not cope .
17 Right , so when in two point four it says er , a copy of the quotation must be signed by an authorised researcher .
18 How could she , though , when in all politeness … ?
19 husbands think their fault is they 've no money , when in all accounts he 's probably had more to spend on his luxuries than she 's had on food .
20 North himself then moved into water supply , buying in 1875 an old hulk to use as a tanker , and when in 1878 an English group founded the Water Company of Tarapacá in Iquique to bring water from Arica , he rented the carriage business and storage tanks on a service contract and ran it well .
21 When in 1878 the European Congress met at Berlin to rearrange the map of Europe and generally carve up Ottoman territory , the question of the Turco-Persian frontier was again raised .
22 When in 1966 this confirmed sea-floor spreading it came as a revelation — a revolution .
23 Irony was to the fore when in 1925 he wrote of the Russian Revolution , but behind it was a more important urge leading him to the poem ‘ Le Voyage ’ of his favourite Baudelaire .
24 Despite this bitter tragedy the town again rallied itself to the Yorkist cause when in 1470 they assisted King Edward IV in dispelling a Lancastrian uprising at the battle of Loosecoat Field .
25 When in 1974 I was flattered by an invitation to make a T V appearance as the Dimbleby lecturer , I accepted without hesitation .
26 When in early Christian Rome they converted pagan temples into churches , they removed all the symbols of the old religion which could be torn out without endangering the structure .
27 There was opposition to a subsidy demand in 1523 , and when in 1525 Henry VIII and Cardinal Wolsey attempted to levy the so-called Amicable Grant , to finance a campaign against France , they faced serious resistance .
28 The implication is that males need maintain high levels of vigilance only when in nuptial plumage .
29 When in 1961 an Anglo-Kuwaiti accord dating back to 1988 expired , Kuwait became independent .
30 The intended beneficiary of this dynastic coup was Osred ( II ) , the son of King Alhred by Osgifu , Aelfwald 's sister , a youth of no more than 19 at the time , who reigned for a year but then fell a victim to further shifts of allegiance when in 789 he was taken prisoner , deprived of his kingdom , tonsured at York and expelled , and Aethelred , son of Aethelwald , resumed royal power ( ASC D , s.a. 788 , 789 ) .
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