Example sentences of "when she had " in BNC.

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1 Hers was on the floor by the bedside table — she 'd probably knocked it off when she had a glass of water , or when she took the veronal . ’
2 When she had finished , she passed it over so that I could sign it .
3 Lucy looked up when she had finished reading .
4 Jay lay on her bed , sipping coffee and touching her own face with the tenderness she felt for Lucy , closed her eyes with the dizzy perfection of that moment in the conservatory when they had touched , when she had touched Lucy , and Lucy had walked beside her , seen what she saw ; when her eyes had met Jay 's , dancing with the glory of it all .
5 When she had arrived from France she was supposed to contact friends of her family , but the bag which had contained their address had been lost or stolen .
6 Pound had known Phyllis Bottome between 1905 and 1907 , when they were fellow students at the University of Pennsylvania , and it 's not clear whether it is that early association , or a period later when she had caught up with him in London , that Phyllis Bottome had in mind when she wrote of how Pound tried to transform her as a writer from a talented amateur into a professional :
7 In the launderette it was warm and cosy ; here Maggie made friends and fans and she had inconsequential conversations which mysteriously made her a member of the local community in a way she had never been when she had been fighting for the area 's well-being .
8 When she had acquired a range of basic editing skills she started looking round for what to do with them .
9 There , she had been happy in Pakistan ; she had been happy in the Peckham house at least for the first year ; she had been happy working for Graham ; she 'd been enthusiastically interested at college and during the first two years after she had qualified ; she had been completely delighted when she had got the job she now had : a tenants ' association garden in a dreadful estate in Hackney , but where she , with a community group , had planned the garden from scratch and had made a small desert blossom like a rose .
10 ‘ You 'll love the garden , Bea , ’ he insisted when she had looked longingly , lazily , at the swimming pool .
11 When she had been about five he had come to stay , returning from Hong Kong and , like other wise men from the east , he came bearing gifts .
12 When she had been a tiny child , and Fenna had still been a small , manageable and undemanding dragon she had , often spoken of him , to her mother who had grinned , to her grandmother who had smiled , and to her schoolteachers and friends , who had laughed indulgently .
13 When she had been little it had been easy , and now it was not .
14 When she had been little , temporary lapses and been easily passed over .
15 When she had been little , once Fenna had taught her how to fly so that she no longer went wandering off , there had been very little time when she had been left alone .
16 When she had become a teenager however , she had more time alone , and when she was alone it was so much harder to remember .
17 It had not been fully dark when she had been flying .
18 No one , not even Fenna , could actually stand up against Rachel when she had once got the bit between her teeth : she was better at the game of controlling , containing , winning , than anyone else that Maggie knew .
19 Perhaps Rachel did too , or would do when she had had time to work it out .
20 Though Maggie was eighteen , tall and attractive , she was still as much in awe of Moran as when she had been a child .
21 A teacher , again in a Southall primary school , told of an ‘ amusing ’ incident when an Indian girl of ten was reduced to tears when she had to go out in the sun in the summer term .
22 He quotes a young Pakistani woman recalling her schooldays , when she had to change for swimming and showers : ‘ I was surprised at the English girls who simply used to stand there and change .
23 Rather more docile than when she had entered , Frau Nordern agreed that she would give notice , ample notice , more than enough notice to make sure that they had the room and raised her glass in salute as the manager beamed on Erika and then withdrew to welcome the first of his evening guests , stout , prosperous looking men in heavy dark suits : officials , with their wives .
24 Bodo asked the waitress if she would take the romantic lead in a film he claimed to be making and when she had gone , said , ‘ I do n't think so , but you never know , do you ?
25 Maureen Moore was nineteen , and when she had finished her qualifications she would become a music teacher .
26 Later , when she had consulted Doctor Staples , she returned , looking grave .
27 She excused herself hurriedly and left , returning with a great bustle to announce her coming , when she had given him time to compose himself .
28 Could he still love her when she had ceased to be a symbol and walked in the lesser light of her own individuality ?
29 Mr Justice Douglas Brown said that the defendants were negligent ( 1 ) in failing to appreciate that they were dealing with a husband of substantial means who might well be able to afford to pay , not only a lump sum , but also substantial periodical payments ; ( 2 ) in failing to obtain full disclosure of the husband 's financial affairs ; ( 3 ) in failing to realise that because of family trusts and wills the husband had an expectation of further assets ; ( 4 ) in advising the wife to obtain a mortgage when she had no taxable income ; ( 5 ) in recommending a settlement which removed the wife 's undoubted right to maintenance ; and ( 6 ) in failing to use ouster proceedings to remove the husband from the matrimonial home .
30 He fell back on routine and asked Jennifer to confirm exactly when she had last seen Angela .
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