Example sentences of "when [adv] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The two fleets were vigorously engaged when suddenly disaster befell the British .
2 I was squealing with delight at the tricks his middle finger was playing when suddenly Captain leapt on us growling .
3 Also , dreary though the suggestion sounds , if economies look like being the order of the day , two-car families might assess whether , come retirement when perhaps husband and wife will be doing more things together , two cars are really such an essential as before .
4 Suppose we can rescue only some prisoners of tyranny ; justice hardly requires rescuing none even when only luck , not any principle , will decide whom we save and whom we leave to torture .
5 In this study , when only histamine was given to nude mice , increased vascular permeability mediated by intercation with histamine 1 receptor may have led to an enhancement of xenograft growth due to increased diffusion of nutrents etc , in addition to direct proliferative effects by a histamine 2 receptor .
6 This way the surrounding masonry will offer support when only part of a block has to be cut away , and help to prevent it becoming loose .
7 The planning officer 's attitude to proposals to develop a site can be assessed when only outline approval has been obtained or substantial modification is required to the detailed approval .
8 Martha bolted out of the door and crashed through the hedge into Mada Joyce 's yard , expecting to hear her grandmother 's shout of rage behind her and all the more fearful when only silence pursued her .
9 This predicament arises out of the demise of consciousness , when only consciousness , understood in a traditional way , can bring us face to face with , and hence give us any grasp on , the qualitative , as opposed to relational , properties .
10 He needs to sharpen up before the Olympic decathlon trial in Sheffield on June 5 and 6 , when only victory and a points score of 7,850 will guarantee selection .
11 There are cases when backwards search is no use .
12 And the storm went on and on and on ; when finally relief came to the exhausted crews , it seemed the only recourse was to turn tail and head for home .
13 But he certainly was n't the man to have in the driving seat on the union side when both management and workers were striving for the sheer survival of the company , and needed to work together if they were to pull through .
14 Suppose we want to suggest , for instance , that life began when both DNA and its protein-based replication machinery spontaneously chanced to come into existence .
15 In Freud 's terms , this becomes a joke when both teller and listener , writer and reader , share an appreciation of at least the potential value of that sexuality .
16 Such variables may be particularly relevant when data from the interwar period ( when both unemployment and mortality rates were high ) are included in the analysis .
17 1 November ( All Saints ' Day ) is Pão-por-Deus ( ‘ Bread for God ’ ) when traditionally bread was given to the poor in the city to obtain a blessing on the souls of the departed .
18 The King 's Private Secretary , Lord Stamfordham , wrote to MacDonald to say that the King was ‘ profoundly impressed with Sir Arthur Balfour 's letter to you — his review of the critical condition of affairs will , in His Majesty 's opinion , bring home to his Ministers that the time has come when even emergency measures may be necessary in order to avert a calamity which , as Sir Arthur Balfour states , is not altogether incompatible with that of the Great War .
19 But , Jenkins warns , when neither promotion or a pay increase is on the agenda , annual appraisals may be wrong .
20 Hence the possibility of saying , when neither speaker nor addressee is at home : ( 83 ) I came over several times to visit you , but you were never there So we must append another clause to our gloss , namely : " or motion towards the home-base maintained at CT by either speaker or addressee " .
21 She was not sick in the mornings and when occasionally nausea swept over her it was easily put down to fatigue , or to something she had eaten .
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