Example sentences of "when [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When the abbot was found , he was forced to join them or face execution .
2 When the Junto ministry collapsed in 1700 , and William was forced to admit into office the Tory Earl of Rochester and his High Church followers , they were able to demand that Convocation be allowed to sit .
3 When the Junto leader , the Earl of Sunderland , suggested that some be settled in Canterbury , the mayor refused point blank , arguing that as a result of the recession in the silk-weaving and wool-carding trades , there was not enough work to employ the poor families already living in the city .
4 But excitement turned to horror when the trail led to a woman 's remains in a shallow grave .
5 However , this confidence is only justified when the check is done systematically and correctly .
6 A mail message will be sent to you when the check is complete .
7 When the camouflage of this praying mantis fails and a killer is closing in , the insect adopts the last-ditch defence strategy of flashing its wings open and rearing up with its front legs spread .
8 Official interest rates in several European countries are likely to be lifted when the Bundesbank decision is announced .
9 Mr Pöhl meanwhile is trying to ensure that , when the Bundesbank is restructured to accommodate new representatives from eastern Germany , his own power to insist on a rigorously anti-inflationary policy is not diluted .
10 When the Bundesbank worries , so must Mr Waigel .
11 Although many writers recommend it , it is seldom worth using such a separate overflow area when the packing density is below unity .
12 And when the satin had been recovered and she had found — after a painful , dry-mouthed fortnight of dosing herself with cheap gin and jumping down the cellar steps whenever Odette was not looking — that she was , miraculously , not pregnant , she had believed her luck to be on the turn .
13 How can I carry on when the bulb in the overhead projector has blown ?
14 The bulb inside would be attached to a battery and when the bulb flashed the heat sensitive powder would explode — either splitting the copper pipe or causing it to splinter into shrapnel .
15 When the mask came off , she knew she had reached the Fourth Level .
16 Bonuses arising from the masks only apply when the mask is being worn ( except for the paper mask ) , but the penalties are permanent and can not be dispelled .
17 His later Lives do not inspire great confidence in their historical details about a young king seeking the hand of Offa 's daughter in marriage and falling a victim to the machinations of Queen Cynethryth , who alleged that Aethelberht 's real intention was to reconnoitre the Mercian kingdom with a view to invading it , and when the Chronicon ex Chronicis also claims that Aethelberht was put to death by Offa at the instigation of Queen Cynethryth it is not necessarily independent of the legend .
18 The skin ended up in the Natural History Museum in Copenhagen and it was only when the corpse was examined that it was discovered that sulukongur was in fact a female !
19 When the corpse arrived at Grinton churchyard it was buried without a coffin in a linen shroud .
20 When the corpse floated past , it was as unremarkable as a branch drifting in the water , and once we had passed it , it stayed bobbing in the water as if tied to our stern .
21 Instead of the medical materialism of Hammer horror , we get a surprisingly restrained treatment of the play 's fuliginous cruelties : even when the Duchess is invaded by a chorus of madmen , they are ushered in one at a time by a beady-eyed supervisor wielding a corrective cane .
22 This can be done when the wash is still wet .
23 As soon as it is touch dry , it should be painted over and when the wash is almost dry , the fluid is removed .
24 Like the night four years ago when the mainframe computer controlling all ship movements in and out of Hong Kong , the world 's busiest harbour , crashed .
25 It is extremely important to provide education at a point when the user experiences motivation .
26 Library orientation and instruction should be available when the user feels an interest or need to visit the library .
27 A pipe or cigarette burns all the time , and just wastes smoke when the user is not drawing on it .
28 This can be something of a problem when the user wishes to receive one ( or more ) a.m. stations on the medium or long-wave band !
29 Of course the masker is only useful when the user has some hearing .
30 Navigation can only sensibly proceed when the user has identified a single record as of initial importance from content-searching .
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