Example sentences of "do when [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Then ’ in 1960–3 , eighteen years ago ; and in the meantime , apart from summarising my reflections and discoveries before they passed from my memory in a slim volume entitled Medicine and politics , I have done what most ex-ministers do when they have a left most departments — given the subject a wide berth .
2 The first thing most people do when they diet is to cut out many of the foods they like .
3 WHAT do arts documentary-makers do when they want to profile someone who prefers not to appear on camera ?
4 If we placed as much effort into making a fuss of children when they are good as we do when they are naughty we might make even greater gains .
5 A big bream is a very deep-bodied fish and would have to stand almost tail to surface to pick a bait direct from the bottom with its lips , which I know they do when they are in that kind of mood .
6 I instinctively looked away , the way children do when they see something naughty , as though witnessing it might incriminate them .
7 Ian : Because people do when they are up high .
8 Clyppan was an Old English word meaning to clasp with the arms or to embrace , and this is what the parishioners of Guiseley and Tankersley do when they ‘ clip ’ their respective parish churches .
9 ‘ The first thing passengers do when they are served is have a look at what their neighbour has got — their piece of chicken has got to be the same size , ’ says Karen .
10 WHAT do post-Empire Maharajahs do when they are down on their luck after a lifetime of strutting around India showing off their public school educations ?
11 All they do when they 're at sea is take down the messages we send to them , so do n't worry about not picking up a signal , 'cause nobody 'll be sending you any . ’
12 It 's not how many people come to the first night of your tour in Windsor , it 's what they do when they get there .
13 The authors ' approach is to examine what native speakers do when they ‘ make conversation ’ , and then to use this information as the basis for more than eighty tasks and activities .
14 Search consultants are often called in when an organisation is considering going into a new business sector , as Marks & Spencer did when they went into financial services with their credit card ; as when BP were trying to diversify their business and spot winners by developing new technology ; as financial services institutions do when they wish to launch a new product or enter new markets .
15 ‘ The international division of labour ’ is only a fancy way of describing what people do when they go to work .
16 With charming naivety , they do not imagine that they themselves are the source of it : they behave as they do when they see a frightened horse , becoming agitated and desirous of flight .
17 He had turned grey , as Indians do when they are unhappy .
18 If the fish were to bend its body as many fish do when they swim , the pattern of the electrical field would distort .
19 No doubt the publishers would claim that it was all in the pursuit of the greater truth , in the way that the slimy tabloids and the unspeakable Sunday Times do when they are parading some particularly unpleasant piece of gossip .
20 The assumption appears to be , therefore , that women do not experience the same degree of loss as men do when they retire from paid work .
21 When learners watch video programmes in the target language , they are exercising their listening skills as they do when they listen to an audiotape .
22 And , of course , they — the tumbril was standing in the cart-shed there with the back-chains hanging , d'ye see , fixed on each shaf , just like they do when they go on a horse .
23 Second , he feels guilty about how he treated you and wants to make amends — something people often do when they find happiness because it 's only then that they can afford to consider how much they have hurt others .
24 Now it appears that Paul Biya , Cameroon 's president , head of state and party chairman , has — in the words of a recent article in Japan 's Daily Yomiuri — ‘ decided to do what most of the world 's poorer nations do when they need ready cash , and approached [ Japan 's ] Foreign Affairs Ministry . ’
25 Entry qualifications are generally the same , that is five O level GCE passes or their equivalent , as those required to continue on to degree and other higher level courses , which is indeed what the great majority of students do when they have successfully completed their foundation courses .
26 She felt solitary and isolated , as though she were missing out on something very necessary , while the others discussed their families , raising their eyes to heaven , complaining about the circumstances of their lives in that particular way women do when they do n't really want to change a thing .
27 Will they know more about that than they do when they simply carry out what the curriculum requires of them regardless of how it is supported , budgeted for and described to parents by the governors ?
28 She was speaking quietly but fast , and pausing for breath in the wrong places the way politicians do when they fear interruption .
29 The concept of transnational practices refers to the effects of what people do when they are acting within specific institutional contexts .
30 Although there can never be any guarantees , it is frequently the case that older children enjoy working with younger ones , enjoy the responsibility they are being given , and behave much better than they do when they are working on their own .
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