Example sentences of "out against the " in BNC.

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1 The lyric is not generically debarred from standing out against the state , or from taking a generous interest in what goes on in the world .
2 After a while , Jay could no longer pick her out against the distant sand , and she lay on the bed , under a sheet , downed the last of her drink , and slept .
3 ‘ Surely , then , Kenneth , this great grudge of theirs will bring them out against the enlistment ? ’
4 The Archbishop of Canterbury , a graduate of the John Wayne memorial diplomatic academy , spoke out against the emergence in Britain of a ‘ Pharisee ’ society of self-interest and intolerance .
5 He then spoke out against the legislation , from the backbenches , when it was introduced in the Commons .
6 The root of the East German church 's involvement lies in the agonising sense of guilt and self-accusation among many clergy during and after the Second World War for not having spoken out against the Nazis in time .
7 The wounded were being laid out against the wall of the barn .
8 What is worse is that the caravans are painted white so that they stand out against the green landscape .
9 Only Rugby Union holds out against the commercial tide despite widespread speculation about covert payments to players .
10 The following year Graham Greene , having struggled to write a script from Galsworthy 's Twenty-One Days — about a murderer who killed himself and an innocent man who was hanged for the suicide 's crime — within BBFC rules that forbade the representation of either suicide or a failure of British justice , joined with J. B. Priestley , Bernard Shaw and H. G. Wells in speaking out against the censorship system .
11 This has added insult to injury of a privatisation carried out against the wishes of the public .
12 Cecilia eventually hit out against the home 's petty rules and forced the social workers to come up with an alternative .
13 The computer model at Britain 's Meteorological Office predicts that the fires ' effect on this year 's monsoon will probably not stand out against the monsoon 's annual variations .
14 Down on the beach , the Big Wheel was still going round , its elegant shape picked out against the blackness of sea and sky by coloured lights , fixed at intervals , along its slender struts .
15 Some leaders spoke out against the new trend ; in a paper on preaching delivered at a Free Church Council meeting the quixotic Joseph Parker defended congregational applause during a sermon because it encouraged the preacher and allowed the Holy Spirit to work through the listeners .
16 Masaryk was an eminent liberal scholar who stood out against the Catholic-led anti-semitic hysteria of the 1890s .
17 The contemporary hero is one who stands out against the crowd to fulfil a personal destiny .
18 In short , things had gone much as they do when the counties canter out against the varsities these days .
19 Some of these recordings are now being used by the YCCC as evidence in the legal actions which they are taking out against the city and tannery , and some of the recordings have been played back to other community groups in similar situations but who have not developed their thinking to the extent of the YCCC .
20 The Irish colony of Knokvergence at Cable Street stood out against the newer buildings of Pennington .
21 This is particularly the case when as here , they are preserved in dark shales , the white calcite of the animal 's skeleton standing out against the background .
22 He hit the sea in a shallow dive , swimming out against the wind .
23 The opposition leader Hugh Gaitskell pressed the point and eventually , on 14 May , Eden was forced to admit that an underwater spying operation had been carried out against the Russian ships by Crabb but that it had been done without official approval .
24 This was the first time that a criminal prosecution had been taken out against the British nuclear industry .
25 He had already stood out against the Board 's obstinacy by forcing out their version of the comparative costs between nuclear- and coal-powered electricity ( see Chapter Six ) .
26 This was a surprising development ; Derry had a relatively weak Labour movement and had too small a population to create a sizeable pool of individuals who were prepared to stand out against the political and social attitudes of the majority .
27 And his mother promised him so to do ; and then he departed from them and went out against the frontier of the Moors .
28 We will go out against the Moors and give them battle , and God who hath thus far shown favour unto us will still continue to be our helper .
29 They can hardly design a Mulberry harbour and tented village for Iona which has held out against the ravages of the Atlantic , the Viking , the climate , and the disinterest of the Scot in his religious heritage .
30 Several old barges , beached deliberately years before in an attempt to slow down the river bank erosion , stood out against the moonlit water like defiant skeletons .
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