Example sentences of "out [prep] local " in BNC.

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1 It visited chiefs , and worked through them to find out about local resources , tools , apprenticeship patterns and market locations .
2 The place to find out about local organisations and classes is the local library .
3 But we 're still , we 're still stuck with the problem , if it is a problem , of persistently low turn out for local government elections .
4 Peter Davis , leader of a delegation from the local Conservative Association , said yesterday : ‘ We feel the racecourse would benefit by being taken out of local authority hands . ’
5 Schools and housing associations can opt out of local authority control .
6 Even more important , they are allowed to opt out of local authority control .
7 A 10-FOLD increase in the number of schools opting out of local authority control is likely to be the most dramatic consequence of the Conservatives ’ victory , writes John Clare , Education Editor .
8 AN AVALANCHE of applications by schools wanting to opt out of local authority control is now expected .
9 In education , although legislation promises increased power to parents and the opportunity for schools to opt out of local education authorities , it also promises a greater power for head teachers and , in the case of City Technology Colleges , a greater direct input from industry .
10 Johnson ( 1972 ) labelled this gradual ironing out of local characteristics the ‘ nationalization ’ of local politics , and this process was reflected in the confident claim of the political pundits that ‘ to know the swing in Cornwall was to know , within a percentage or two , the swing in the Highlands ’ ( Crewe , 1985 , p. 103 ) .
11 But if we can view ‘ nationalization ’ as the ironing out of local political characteristics during the 1950s and 1960s , ‘ reappraisal ’ has meant more than their simple re-appearance during the late 1970s and early 1980s .
12 In 1986 , the London Waste Regulation Authority 's annual report stated that London and the commuter belt in the Home Counties would run out of local landfill space well before the end of the century , and counties south and south-west of London would not be able to cope with the burden of the capital 's rubbish .
13 Presumably this could be contemplated only in a limited number of constituencies , since anything more ambitious would knock the stuffing out of local activists in one party or the other .
14 Starting in South Island , you will find that flying in to land amid the snowfields of Mount Cook or the ice of Fox Glacier of Franz Josef in the Southern Alps is something PPL visitors can unfortunately only do as passengers in the fixed-wing or chopper flights that operate out of local airfields .
15 Derby matches would n't be so spicey without the fervour and passion born out of local rivalry .
16 radical changes in the current fiscal arrangement , both between tenures and within tenures , and a sorting out of local government finance and housing subsidy assistance .
17 In a further attempt to restrict the role of local authorities in housing , council house tenants were given the right to switch to an alternative landlord — either in the form of a housing association or an approved private sector landlord — in other words , they were allowed to opt out of local authority control .
18 Clough , leading scorer at Forest for three of the last four seasons , has been wanted by a number of top clubs since his dad brought him out of local Sunday League football to Forest .
19 It is the intention of the Secretary of State that a school that opts out of local authority control will not be allowed to change its character , similarly , a CTC must provide education for pupils of different abilities drawn mainly from the area in which the school is situated ( clause 105 subsection 2 ) .
20 The parental vote will be even more powerful if it is proposed that a school should opt out of local authority control and transfer to grant maintained status .
21 The devolving of financial responsibility to schools , not only reduces the power and influence of LEAs , but it may well encourage schools at some future point to consider opting out of local authority control altogether .
22 A COMPREHENSIVE school in Essex is poised to opt out of local authority control after parents overturned their own decision .
23 That the nomination of Boys to the School shall be made fairly and without favouritism and that the Corporation shall not permit them to be influenced by political considerations , whether arising out of local or general politics .
24 Some of the goods on sale are enticing Juranc , on wines , local sausage , the ubiquitous Pyrenean fromage de brebis or ewe's-milk cheese , worth trying if only out of local piety though hardly one of France 's great cheeses — others look likely to have a long shelf-life .
25 The BM introduces some randomness into its switch settings , which is intended to make it sometimes jump out of local minima .
26 In fact , noise can be very helpful because it gives the network a chance to jump out of local minima .
27 The third leg of the 1948 tripartite structure to the NHS was the community health service administered , as it always had been , by local authorities and hence financed like any other local service partly by central government grant and partly out of local revenue — the rates .
28 It is interesting to note that some Muslim schools are considering opting out of local authority control and offering separate provision .
29 This apparently low level of active parental involvement has important implications for other aspects of current policy — especially the arrangements for schools to opt out of local authority control .
30 The most controversial sections of the Education Reform Act are those which allow secondary schools and primary schools with 300 or more pupils to opt out of local authority control .
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