Example sentences of "do [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do rather a lot of amateur acting , you know , and I 'm supposed to be rather good at accents . ’
2 ‘ I do all the drawings , unlike other studios where you have someone to do the cars , someone to do the buildings .
3 You can just go up for a ride , letting someone else do all the work while you enjoy the sensation , or learn to pilot the thing for yourself .
4 In extreme cases , say of a family from the remote rural areas of Azad Kashmir , if the mother has just had a baby , it is known for daughters of twelve to stay at home from school for weeks , do all the cooking , look after the younger children and generally run the home .
5 She was n't mean about it , she was very grateful to have someone to talk to and I used to try to spend a lot of time with her just to cheer her up — you know , walk the dog with her and go shopping — just do all the things that would help .
6 ‘ Why do all the other flats take it so placidly for Heaven 's sake ? ’
7 ‘ No — what I mean is — if he 's sitting at home while you do all the work , why is n't he happy ?
8 They have to run the beastly place and do all the work . ’
9 Like their fairy-tale sister , they do all the boring but crucial jobs — looking after the keyboard and screen , filing and retrieving data — but get few thanks for it .
10 Why do all the hooligans seem to be on the row in front and the row behind me ?
11 ‘ We do all the chemical work in another part of the Unit , ’ Barbara said .
12 Do all the Governors automatically receive copies of newsletters ?
13 They are novels in which the main characters debate topical social and economic issues as well as fall in and out of love , marry and have children , pursue careers , make or lose their fortunes , and do all the other things that characters do in more conventional novels .
14 ‘ You just admitted blacks do all the worst jobs , the dirtiest , hardest jobs . ’
15 He also made a creeper-covered trellis in front of the house door and did all the garden , ‘ do all the flowers . ’
16 If you think the church you are concerned about is ‘ Fund-worthy ’ , find out what the Council for the Care of Churches and the national societies feel about its quality and do all the lobbying you can .
17 The problem is that rock-climbers do all the hardest stuff in this game .
18 That is , do all the muscle cells descend from just one or two ancestral muscle cells ?
19 Why do all the world 's bank depositors and borrowers not establish and use euro-markets in their own currencies ?
20 I use a room at the Grand Hotel twice weekly , on a Tuesday and Thursday evening and do all the teaching myself .
21 Food processors have revolutionised some people 's lives because they take all the effort out of preparing food , as they do all the chopping , slicing , grating , blending , whisking , and kneading incredibly fast .
22 Where do all the wires go ?
23 Where do all the wires go ( 111 ) ?
24 ‘ What 's interesting about it is that I have both worlds , because I play with Phil Collins ’ band as well as Genesis , and with Phil I do all the records too .
25 Actually , I sent Felicity to Summerhill because I saw this awfully exciting film called The Alamo , starring John Wayne , whom I adore , and he makes this absolutely glorious speech in it which goes ‘ Freedom , I like the sound of the word ’ , actually it 's ‘ Republic ’ he says , I know that because it was on the television last week , but I 've always heard it as ‘ Freedom ’ and I read that A S O'Neill positively breathed Freedom , as indeed do all the Irish , I find , and one has to have pots of money to go there , which gives one — what 's the word ? — sachet , which you do absolutely need to get into Society these days , and Felicity ( her name means Freedom , too , from the Latin , you know ) was frightfully keen to go , and does n't the name simply drip June in , say , the Cotswolds , and Felicity says there are teachers there with nothing to do at all , so you can tell the staff must be tip-top — I mean , what luxury ! spare staff ! — and Felicity 's always been such a tearaway and I know it 's jolly hard but I do think one needs Discipline to get one 's Freedom , I 've always had it , and Republics too , and now I gather she 's been on television , and Felicity was absolutely swearing by the school or something , Angela says , and where is it — somewhere pretty — she goes by train …
26 ‘ We felt that by cutting out the broker to reduce the cost , building up a team of very friendly tele-sales and tele-service operators to talk to customers and explain and do all the form filling for them , they would eventually sign .
27 Because we are engaged in practical actions of great complexity , which we nevertheless ‘ pull off ’ day after day , we have little time to stand back and analyse how we do all the things that we do .
28 Leavin' me ter do all the dirty work , ’ she wailed , appearing to burst into tears .
29 Smart was deaf to advice , however , and in his play , which is bursting with wit and humour , ‘ He acts five parts himself and is only sorry he cant do all the rest .
30 Do all the teachers live like this , with no furniture and no kitchen stove and no bathroom ? ’
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