Example sentences of "do [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 This sensation of tears is like a scent which guides the mystics ; and men on their journey in the transcendent know they do right when they are accompanied by this phenomenon of tears .
2 I do little but rest and try to put this house into some sort of order but as yet there is neither pleasure nor profit in it .
3 There are millions of people who admit to being members of the two Christian churches and their various sects , but who do little or nothing to give substance to that admission .
4 In the statement by Her Majesty 's Opposition , the Secretary of State heard a continuation of the velvet glove policy , which means , do little or nothing against the terrorist .
5 The aim of the game being to find out ways in which they do things better than you do rather than the other way around .
6 It is easier to describe what actuaries do rather than what they are .
7 is what travellers there do rather than arrive
8 I do all that the law requires of me if my actions comply with it .
9 Do all that you can to encourage other people in your class who are struggling with certain subjects and activities .
10 ‘ Nay , I know lasses do all that lads do nowadays , but them boxes weigh heavy .
11 Do all that you can to make the examiner 's task easier — not only by setting out your answers neatly but by identifying each answer clearly .
12 Will my right hon. Friend do all that he can to open a dialogue with representatives of landlords and planning authorities so that they can encourage and enable retailers to erect something to protect their property ?
13 Will my hon. Friend do all that he can to persuade local authorities to play their full part in ensuring the continuation of adult education ?
14 I will co-operate with and fight alongside my hon. Friend the Member for Rother Valley ( Mr. Barron ) for the interests of coal and do all that I can to assist my party 's energy team in that fight .
15 ‘ Have you breakfasted ; Do so while I am dressing , and then we will order the carriage .
16 It is possible , and indeed likely , that many of them voted for the party despite some of its specific plans and intentions , and opinion polls sometimes indicate that a majority of those who support a party or government do so while opposing one or more of its particular policies .
17 When , in this situation , the person defamed sought to issue a writ , and the Member concerned asked the House of Commons to treat the matter as a breach of privilege , the Committee of Privileges recommended that it do so but the House , by a small majority , rejected this recommendation .
18 For this reason , I limit the amount of aerobics I do so that they are within the capability of most people .
19 And I want to maintain a level of efficiency in everything we do so that we can hold our heads high in the sure and certain knowledge that we are as good as anyone — and better than most — at what we do .
20 Erm if any have been those elders or ministers will advise us the days they are going to come , those ministers who are and seen , if we do so that we can remember whom our chosen .
21 However , it must be pointed out that there will be an early encashment charge if you do so before you have paid six full years ' contributions .
22 It should be noted at this point that the small number of boys who become anorexic ( 14 per cent as compared to 86 per cent girls of the patients studied by Bruch ) do so before they reach puberty and do not develop sexually until after they have recovered .
23 He dared not do so for he knew one thing for certain — that he had never really fallen out of love with this stunningly beautiful girl .
24 Do so if you wish , but if you do , we shall go to the voters once more , and the voters will tell you what they think of you . ’
25 And these are your function keys and what they do so if you ever need to know what to do , F one F one , and it tells all you need to know .
26 Whilst showing proper reluctance to enforce these convenants , the courts will , however , do so if they are shown to be reasonable …
27 erm assume you do so if I if you know what three fours are
28 I do so because I believe she has been made a scapegoat for what happened .
29 So things such as ourselves , which perceive and have conscious awareness , do so because they are ( or have ) minds .
30 Most of the dogs that come up for rehoming do so because of a change in domestic circumstances rather than through any temperament problems .
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