Example sentences of "up after [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Marty and Jean who ran Granny Takes A Trip were mates of Malcolm 's and they all used to meet up after work in the pub Sometimes Nick would be there too and we got talking to him .
2 Today 's Wednesday , you can pick her up after work Friday . ’
4 Er yeah , I picked her up after work .
5 Set up after publication of the Taylor Report for England and Wales ( see 1977 Taylor ) , this working party recommended that each school in Northern Ireland too ( with the possible exception of small primary schools ) should have a board of governors .
6 The scheme , drawn up after pilot projects by a steering group under Duncan Graham , chairman of the National Curriculum Council , had the support of all the teachers ' and heads ' unions as well as the local authority employers .
7 If you find Cystitis flares up after sex , it 's a good idea for both you and your partner to wash the genital area before and after .
8 I 'm picking him up after lunch . ’
9 We 'll pick it up after lunch and it can be transferred to my office safe . ’
10 A member of the Drayton class who was attending ante-natal classes demonstrated to other participants the best way of standing up after floorwork , and greatly impressed the class tutor .
11 He did a double stint of exercise until he was clammy with globules of sweat and then sluiced himself over from the two cold jugs of water Christine had brought him up after breakfast .
12 Next morning , a chauffeur-driven limousine picked them up after breakfast .
13 Unlike many similar discounts which sprang up after Abbey National had made its move , this one is for an indefinite period .
14 And tidying up after removal and spring cleaning homes that have n't been touched for years are all part of a normal day 's work .
15 When spring comes the earth begins to warm up after winter 's long , cold days .
16 Most of those aboard the Vlorewere quickly rounded up after scrambling or swimming ashore .
17 But no one gets up after death — there is no applause — there is only silence and some second-hand clothes , and that 's — death — ( And he pushes the blade in up to the hilt .
18 Sulphur emissions from coal-fired power stations shot up after World War II due to growing energy demands , and reached a peak in the 1970s .
19 The tears had run down her face as she stood at the sink , washing up after tea .
20 Jones was struck especially by Citizen Thelwall , who , wearing the white hat of the radical , got up after dinner and ‘ talked so loud and was in such a Passion that Jones was frightened ’ .
21 And you can freshen up after dinner with the amenities of a comfort pack .
22 Peeling potatoes , she 's only peeling potatoes , dinner potatoes , then wash up after dinner .
23 It is important that the rags or paper kitchen towel are not left crumpled up after use , as they can catch fire , due to spontaneous combustion .
24 The blue girders of the Stargrace building went up after Environment Minister Mr Colin Moynihan launched the £6m. office complex in June , 1990 .
25 At the railway station in the centre of Yeravan , workers cleaned up after violence at the weekend ; six militants died here in a shootout with troops .
26 Since sobering up after Christmas he had degenerated into a deep depression .
27 We 're pulling this carpet up after Christmas .
28 And they 're ideal in kids room we 're gon na , we got , if we can get up after Christmas get them for Lee
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