Example sentences of "up into [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In such cases , the ‘ reference ’ collections of the city library are normally divided up into subject departments , each of these more or less autonomous in its selection of materials .
2 Ah , I 've made them up into poster size .
3 A guard ushered them into the Beauchamp Tower and up into Mistress Philippa 's chamber on the second floor .
4 But once you got the bone , you take it home , bake it , dry it well , and break it up into powder .
5 allusion to the legend of Sweeney Todd , ‘ the demon barber of Fleet Street ’ who was supposed to cut his customer 's throats , and then have them made up into meat pies .
6 A vole mandible is illustrated here showing the incisor , three molars and the body of the mandible all in position , but immersion in water caused the teeth to separate from the mandible and the bone of the mandible itself to break up into minute fragments .
7 ‘ You never know , Mother ; I may one day move up into society .
8 By the time that you were ready to go up into Standard Three , you had to be proficient to the twelve times table but it did not stop there for later on you had measurement , area , weight and many others .
9 Chop it up into elephant steaks , bung it into the deep freeze , and over a period of say two , three years , every Friday night have an elephant steak , but in three years ' time , I will have actually achieved my objective .
10 More frequently work in different media is split up into specialist studies , so that although there are general studies of Gauguin 's work , there are also specialist monographs on his prints , and on his sculpture and ceramics .
11 The latter can often be parcelled up into specialist teaching packets .
12 While many indigenous workers moved up into better-paid , pleasanter and more skilled jobs , the immigrants were left the dirty , hard and low-paid work in the foundries and textile mills , as transport or catering workers or in sweat shops and small factories thrown up by the post-war boom .
13 After their winning match against Crewe Alexandra , the Shots polished performance improved their league position by four places , and left them with an outside chance of going up into Division III .
14 Well , what we wan na do is do one , do week by week and then split it up into day by day .
15 Of course that was just stage one , when we moved gently up into position at the Valve .
16 Sadly , many feel that such opportunities are lacking within other areas of catering , and chefs often face discrimination when trying to move from the kitchens up into management .
17 To go up into management , aha , there 's nothing like that in here .
18 Much of the cloth was made up into clothing .
19 It may be built up into shore features without undergoing movement along the beach or , more commonly , it is transported along the beach to a point where natural factors allow it to accumulate and to be built up by wave action .
20 Divide the dog-whelk population up into size classes .
21 Many more ants would need to go up into space for them to see themselves in perspective .
22 One did not need to go up into space to see that Earth 's resources should be used ( though not used up ) for all its inhabitants .
23 With an astringent readability and clarity rare among economists , Galbraith 's book had a tremendous reception , partly , he believes , because of the Soviet Sputnik which went up into space just before it was published .
24 It was very hard for the Brownies to stay still and quiet on the ground , just gazing up into space , especially when every now and again the circling plane came between them and the sun and cast a strange , dark shadow over them .
25 She released the line , and it and the creature swung away from her , away from the space station , up into space .
26 Ted Wragg , describing his work as adviser to the Parliamentary Select Committee into the attainment of the school leaver ( 1976/7 ) , reports that mathematics was the topic that came up by far the most frequently in all the submissions to that Committee , and one of its recommendations was that an inquiry should be set up into mathematics teaching .
27 For one thing , the Hebrews did not divide man up into spirit , mind and body as we tend to do : they thought of him as a single entity , an animated body , a living person .
28 In order to relate theory to practice in this book , human activities have been divided up into concept groups and the nurse 's responsibilities in the pre- , peri- and post-operative periods have been considered .
29 Blades can be fitted pointing up or down , should you need , for instance , to cut up into plasterboard , instead of inverting the saw .
30 For good measure , some of these ideas have been worked up into watercolour paintings .
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