Example sentences of "up by [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They had been heading back towards London when the strange conflict in the sky had been picked up by UNIT .
2 Jolly poster of skiing in the Alps stuck up by Mum as a bribe : ‘ Ten days in Austria if you get Grade As , Bina ! ’
3 The second was called up by reference to Archbold , Criminal Pleading Evidence & Practice , 44th ed. ( 1992 ) , vol. 1 , p. 433 , para. 4–45 .
4 The result of this inquiry was four possible courses which the student followed up by reference individual prospectus and discussion with her tutor .
5 LATTER-DAY Highland clearances have wiped most of the old independent whisky families off the map as their distilleries were progressively bought up by English and overseas landlords such as Allied Lyons , Guinness and Pernod Ricard .
6 You may input an unlimited number of addresses which may be called up by name , town , any of two user-defined fields or simply scroll through the list in ‘ Rolodex ’ fashion .
7 You may input an unlimited number of addresses which may be called up by name , town , any of two user-defined fields or simply scroll through the list in ‘ Rolodex ’ fashion .
8 Managing across the boundaries , building a shared sense of purpose and direction across DHAs , FHSAs , local authorities , trusts and GPs to provide a " seamless pattern of care " is increasingly exhorted by the NHSME and backed up by performance targets and sanctions from RHAs .
9 MICROBETTER and Airflow Communications have been compulsorily wound up by court order under the Insolvency Act at the request of the Department of Trade and Industry .
10 The committal order was drawn up by court staff , signed by the judge , sealed and sent to the solicitors representing the contemnor and the local authority .
11 It attacks Soviet policy in the winter war with Finland , and says the recognition of a puppet Communist government set up by emigre Finnish Communists was a serious mistake .
12 He was setting it up by way of defence to her application for leave to proceed on the judgment .
13 These molecules are then picked up by receptor proteins on the surface of the second cell .
14 With telephone lines no sooner laid than torn up by shellfire , and the runner become the sole means of communication at Verdun , the most frequently heard order at any HQ was ‘ send two runners ’ .
15 The Regulation originally envisaged that SEs could only be set up by merging or forming a holding company when at least two public companies had their central administration in different Member States .
16 Communication is a two-edged weapon , however , and Lancer Force began to receive some ill-conceived directions for section attacks and platoon operations that were dreamt up by mainland staff with no comprehension that a force without artillery , and facing an enemy superiority of ten-to-one , is likely to be obliterated in conventional infantry attacks .
17 It will be observed that in those cases there was no statutory period after cessation of trade during which jurisdiction continued , and the court was therefore faced with a stark choice between saying that the jurisdiction ceased immediately active trade was suspended , or saying that it continued until the business had actually been wound up by payment of the debts .
18 James Jones was picked up by helicopter .
19 Police went on to the site in the centre of Oxford at around 2.30 , 70 officers in all , in riot gear , backed up by helicopter , sniffer dogs and the marine section .
20 This occurs at the transition between sectors , at the barriers put up by subject boundaries in secondary schools , and at the ability barriers erected by streaming and banding .
21 Indeed , it is possible to speculate that the progress of GIS is not being held up by lack of technology or of suitable software but by the cost of acquiring the data necessary for the functioning of the GIS .
22 When it is remembered that the brain is a three dimensional structure it will be appreciated that very precise localisation of the activity picked up by surface electrodes is rarely possible .
23 This would have to be followed up by provision of appropriate help .
24 Stories of inferior accommodation , equipment and materials , effectively deemed to be ‘ good enough ’ for students with special needs , seemed to far outweigh reports of a stated commitment for those students being backed up by provision that was dignified and appropriate .
25 The joint venture set up by Caderni with the auctioneers Thomas Kraus in Düsseldorf , and which is in profit , will continue .
26 RESTAURANT group Simpsons of Cornhill is on the verge of being swallowed up by holiday and printing company Baldwin in a deal worth £1.7m .
27 RESTAURANT group Simpsons of Cornhill was on the verge today of being swallowed up by holiday and printing company Baldwin in a deal worth £1.7m .
28 A switch of emphasis , backed up by education , internal accreditisation and a definition of standards , has led the association away from superficial reports on all observations of UFOs to more detailed case-files on selected events .
29 " The Meeting Considering the great Exertions of the Legislature in Surpressing the Distilling of Spirits & the great revenue given up by Ministry for the purpose of providing a sufficiency of Grain for the use of the nation , which in many parts is threaten 'd with a Famine , and Considering that great Exertions have already been made in surpressing the Distilling in this Island , This Meeting unanimously Resolve Individually and Collectively to exert themselves in putting a total stop to the said Illegal Practices … "
30 It 's interesting to note too that Texas is a Unix SVR4 shop and HP will now pick that up by default .
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