Example sentences of "up for [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Consequently the car you see in the photograph is powered by one of the neatest engines around — a five -valve per cylinder V12 with no fewer than four turbochargers to make up for its relatively small , 3.5-litre capacity .
2 And the heavy disco work-out of such bands ( an influence on house and new beat music ) sounds like body-building , the epitome of self-testing , of strength built up for its own sake .
3 It is gearing up for its second consecutive presidential election in November , with candidates ranging from far right to soft left , and front-runners representing the centre .
4 The new Tories talked of being ‘ on the side of the people ’ and when , in March 1954 the Television Bill came up for its second reading , they won the day .
5 ‘ It 's now coming up for its 12,000 mile service , and does n't feel as though it needs it at all .
6 A fund was set up for its restoration , but before the work could even be started the campanile collapsed .
7 An international row is brewing among scientists who say that the EEC 's ISPRA establishment in Italy is trying to make up for its loss of Super-SARA by stealing other plum research contracts for which it is ill-equipped from specialist fusion laboratories throughout West Europe .
8 When it came up for its third reading on 21 June it was referred to a select committee who on 18 July reported that they were of the opinion that the bill ought not to be proceeded with .
9 But it makes up for its lack of colour with interest value for the fishkeeper on the lookout for something different .
10 I had an MXR Distortion Plus and an MXR Blue Box ( a prehistoric harmonizer making up for its dodgy tracking with an intriguing wobbly sound and some rather excellent white noise — Ed ) .
11 Although his initial interest had been aroused because of the connection between current problems and events which may have taken place in a former life , he became so enthralled by the topic that he took it up for its own sake .
12 This is not to say that the simplistic socialist argument — that all would be well if only Labour stood up for its class interests with the same vigour that the Tories stand up for theirs — is correct .
13 Ray Hanna too G–FIRE up for its first test flight on March 14 , 1981 , in primer .
14 Overhead the Ilyushin passed by as it set itself up for its final landing .
15 Gearing up for its worldwide announcement on November 12 , Hewlett-Packard Co has lowered prices on its high-end 3D graphics workstations : the HP 9000 720 CRX-24Z is $25,500 , down from $36,500 — the 3D 720 CRX-24 is $23,400 from $25,400 .
16 The book explores the lengths to which a community , particularly a Christian one , should go to stand up for its rights when faced with oppression .
17 In September 1989 the Libyan news agency JANA said that Italy could make up for its " wrongdoing " during the colonial period-particularly the deportation to Italy between 1911 and 1942 of some 5,000 Libyans as forced labour-by speedily paying the compensation demanded by Libya , which regarded as inadequate a settlement of dollars 6,700 million reached in 1956 .
18 From the first moments , when my brothers and I stood there incredulous as Blyth screamed and jumped and tugged at his leg , to the tearful farewell of Blyth 's parents and Diggs taking statements ( a bit even appeared in the Inverness Courier which was picked up for its curiosity value by a couple of the Fleet Street rags ) , not one person even suggested that it might have been anything other than a tragic and slightly macabre accident .
19 It was an uncompromising little den which , in keeping with the rest of the house , stoutly refused to make up for its lack of charm .
20 There was pressure from the Liberal Democrat leader , Paddy Ashdown , for Mr Smith to declare firmly which way the Labour Party would be voting when the bill came up for its third reading , which many of the rebels were targeting for a full-scale revolt .
21 The Georgian side is trying to smear the Russian armed forces to make up for its own errors , ’ he said .
22 Britain 's newest T.V. satellite station , B S B , has announced a star-spangled line up for its launch in April , celebrities such as Mike Smith , naturalist David Bellamy , Juke Box Jury host , Jules Holland , will all be in the forefront of the drive for viewers .
23 Paul Twyman , of North Thanet said : ‘ The BMA are a trade union and they are entitled to stand up for their members ’ interests , but they are not entitled to abuse their professional position by deliberately scaremongering and frightening elderly patients . ’
24 Where the unions fail in their duties to black workers they must be challenged to stand up for their rights .
25 She also thinks that men tend to choose women who make up for their own shortcomings .
26 They clear the remaining forest by fire , opening it up for their own agriculture , or to hand over to cattle ranchers .
27 Drawing on the verbal and musical skills of comedians and other performers who were established in theatre and the music hall , filmmakers were able to make up for their failure to develop indigenous styles of visual comedy , and to produce relatively cheap pictures that enjoyed genuine popularity .
28 Yet it may be bad for other firms , even sound ones , since lenders will become increasingly wary , and may charge higher interest rates overall to make up for their higher risks .
29 For a long time KFW has been promoting in particular the small and medium scale sector of the economy , i.e. it grants loans at favourable interest rates to small and medium sized enterprises to make up for their specific financing disadvantages …
30 None of the group is especially common as fossils , but they make up for their general rarity by their interest .
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