Example sentences of "up to be " in BNC.

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1 Short-term memory is the phenomenon by which we can remember a telephone number long enough after looking it up to be able to dial it .
2 ‘ I — we — thought it a good idea at the time , with the late closing and it so hard to get people off the premises — and all the cleaning up to be done afterwards … ‘
3 Standing up to be counted Commentary .
4 Did he stand up to be counted in the old days ?
5 All the same , he grew up to be a famous philosopher as well as a famous scientist , while I …
6 ‘ You 'll grow up to be an ugly wizened little monster with short arms and a big head .
7 All their children , including Buddie , were born with brown skin and crinkly hair and grew up to be entertainers , just like their father .
8 So , when I wanted to grow slightly tender plants in my none-too-mild Midlands garden , I decided to bring them up to be as tough as possible .
9 I was brought up to be a butcher , ’ the man replied , looking me cordially in the eye .
10 It is a struggle Ellen and no mistake and though I have been thrifty as mother brought us all up to be and the rent is paid for the next year I am hard put to pay wages and still eat and keep warm .
11 She was not brought up to be a major figure in political life , let alone a ruler .
12 The painfully sensitive narrator of The Better Angel grows up to be a farmer , not a novelist , but there is still the sense that he tells his tale as an act of compulsive , faintly therapeutic , honesty .
13 ‘ Switzerland is tooling up to be part of Europe ’ , according to Prof Heinrich Ursprung , director of the Science Agency of the Swiss Federal Department of the Interior .
14 In part , the impetus for reform came from concern over the efficiency of the long-established regulatory regimes and , in particular , a belief that many self-regulatory systems may have evolved into restrictive practices dressed up to be in the public interest .
15 When parents are faithful to each other , it 's more likely that their children will grow up to be true to each other , too .
16 She 's not all the Iron Lady she 's cracked up to be .
17 The two other sisters , Miranda and Janet , go radically different ways ; Janet becomes a Tory , while Miranda grows up to be a very conscious feminist .
18 Their daughter , Pepita , grew up to be a healthy , happy girl in St Vincent .
19 Lovebird always said that the sun shone on them as long as they were honest and hard-working , and it often made her weep to see how beautiful , respectful and hard-working her only child had grown up to be .
20 He found The Rake 's Progress ‘ perspicacious , witty in spite of its stark drama , and thorough as regards research into the period ’ , but he added that ‘ I 'm afraid it 's not half what it 's cracked up to be . ’
21 On the other hand a child who was brought up to be bilingual in French and English or who had a natural facility for ‘ picking up ’ languages could romp through his spoken French grades and have reached the top by the time he was 16 , while perhaps having achieved lower grades both in written French and in other more literary aspects of the subject .
22 ‘ And they 're growing up to be quite American , ’ Nellie went on .
23 Unless something is done to reverse the effect of such early programming , the former child will grow up to be nervous and unsure while the latter is likely to have no confidence in himself whatsoever .
24 When this is good , the child may grow up to be confident and self-assured and this will help him throughout his adult life .
25 If , from the very beginning , you are able to listen to your children 's point of view and discuss things with them , they will grow up to be your friends and to respect what you say .
26 It does n't matter if the child grows up to be an adult whose logic tells him that he is n't stupid ; if those words have been repeated often enough , he will never have the confidence to realise how much he knows or to make proper use of that knowledge .
27 And shown up to be fourth rate in front of the world , ’ screamed the Daily Record .
28 We realise today that this reactionary generation grew up to be the most materialistic the world has ever known .
29 I did n't want to hurt their feelings , having been brought up to be polite , so I tried to look happy and muttered something about Helen playing the piano very well .
30 Of these over 50 actually turned up to be educated .
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