Example sentences of "up the social " in BNC.

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1 Last year the Association of Learned Societies in the Social Sciences and the Association of Social Research Organisations set up the Social Science Forum ( SSF ) to campaign on issues that were affecting social scientists .
2 ‘ Trade ’ had infected even gentry pursuits , though the presence of royalty in the person of Princess Anne and her husband , both competitors of international standard , kept up the social tone .
3 In this land of the lawyer , there is no more appropriate place for picking up the social , business and political threads of the city than a spectacle viewed from the public benches of a federal court .
4 In the 1770s a wing was added at the back , and once again the house rose up the social scale .
5 His ability took him rapidly up the social security tree and to Number 10 as Jim Callaghan 's Principal Private Secretary .
6 It is a contradiction which thousands happily go along with because they are keen to advance up the social ladder .
7 But further up the social scale , unrewarded deference was often required , often with the constable being treated as simply another flunkey in uniform , an attitude that might provoke a retaliatory reaction .
8 Benjamin Titford had managed to clamber up the social ladder , as we have seen — rising , in the process , higher than his impoverished cousins in Frome had done .
9 Listen , why do n't you ring up the social editor of the Advent , and tell her about your meeting tomorrow .
10 Perhaps they were justified in recalling early days in makeshift cinemas and perhaps they had to mingle with the masses as they went in search of Chaplin movies , but they must have been aware that prestigious down-town and suburban theatres were now largely being patronized , not exclusively by a lumpenproletariat , but rather by a mix of social classes and perhaps above all by young people who were moving up the social scale into more respectable occupations .
11 Teaching did provide an opportunity for young people to move up the social scale .
12 The only people who had trouble in adjusting to work were those who for some reason deviated from this model — either by going up the social scale or by going down it ( social mobility is more fully discussed by Geoff Payne in this volume ) .
13 Nevertheless , from what we do know , there can be no doubt that the children 's world of the eighteenth century — at least for those born higher up the social scale than the labouring poor — changed dramatically .
14 All my notions — notions of good or evil , of pleasant and unpleasant , of funny and serious , of ugly and beautiful are essentially middle class notions ; my taste in books and food and clothes , my sense of honour , my table manners , my turns of speech , my accent , even the characteristic movements of my body , are the products of a special kind of upbringing and a special niche half way up the social hierarchy … to get outside the class racket I have got to suppress not merely my private snobbishness , but most of my other tastes and prejudices as well .
15 ( This makes it hard to draw any line between old and ‘ new ’ , i.e. post-Periclean , politicians in terms of social standing ; similarly we now know that the later and much-vilified demagogue Kleophon was the son of a man high enough up the social ladder to have served as a general : ML 21 . )
16 By the 1960s , on the other hand , it was becoming increasingly difficult for those further up the social scale to avoid the consequences of industrialization any longer — even by indulging in rural retreatism .
17 Mickey had rang up the social worker and he had taken the bairn .
18 The intentions behind the important reforms of 1988 were to tighten up the social security system in order to reduce the disincentives to work recognized as inherent in the poverty and unemployment ‘ traps ’ ( see Tables 16.7 and 16 .
19 Suddenly they zoomed up the social scale .
20 There is nothing implausible in the argument that peasants , especially better-off peasants , managed their holdings , and their familial strategies , as adroitly as did some people higher up the social scale .
21 Only a little further up the social scale , another quarter or more of the rural inhabitants had tenements varying in size up to a yardland , which in Cambridgeshire seems to have been about 30 and 40 acres .
22 Only 16·5 per cent of the inhabitants of Pimhill Hundred were exempted from payment of the hearth tax in 1672 , and though many cottagers remained near the poverty line all their lives others prospered a little and moved up the social scale .
23 She picked up The Social Aspects of Illness .
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