Example sentences of "who [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 The warlords , who agreed in March to form a transitional administration , are still the main players .
2 As my hon. Friend would expect , my right hon. Friend had considerable success in his negotiations with Commissioner Millan , who agreed in principle to help to fund those two crucially important infrastructure developments .
3 The assistant was John Percivall , who qualified in 1795 .
4 In the artillery , veterinary surgeons served on warrants issued by the Master General of the Ordnance , receiving the right to commissions in 1805 when Thomas Peall ( who qualified in London in 1796 ) and others addressed the Commander-in-Chief about this anomaly .
5 Tony Roe , who qualified in March 1990 , works for Ford and Warren , a 15-partner firm in Leeds .
6 As Kay Evans was unable to be with us during Notices June Bascombe presented their certificates to the three teachers who qualified in 1982 who had been unable to attend the training day in June .
7 All teachers who qualified in 1981 and 1982 are reminded that they will be introduced as a group at the Reunion in November .
8 In Molly 's absence Kay Evans presented certificates to three of the teachers who qualified in 1980 and who were unable to attend the last qualified teachers ' meeting .
9 This summer marked the retirement of two of our teachers : Anna Koller , who qualified in 1966 and has taught in West London and Buckinghamshire , and Mabel Io Smith , who qualified in 1971 and has always taught in Surrey .
10 This summer marked the retirement of two of our teachers : Anna Koller , who qualified in 1966 and has taught in West London and Buckinghamshire , and Mabel Io Smith , who qualified in 1971 and has always taught in Surrey .
11 The God Siva , who represents in his higher aspect universal intelligence and in his lower aspect metamorphosis , renewal and re-generation , governs these principles relating to the creative and dissolutionary processes in nature , and that is why the God 's image is always depicted with the Cobra adorning his person .
12 ‘ I see Jim very much as the hero who succeeded in life , ’ says an unusually approachable Stone during a break in the shooting .
13 We tested the Volvo 460 on two readers who succeeded in the bid to get away .
14 Mr Powell endorsed Nicholas Budgen , the man who succeeded in Wolverhampton South West .
15 Anyone who succeeded in business in the past decade owed more than a little to the climate she created .
16 It was a man wearing an overcoat pulled high around his neck who succeeded in getting the chance to speak as Gerrard thrust the microphone at him .
17 The only protest group was in fact called the Quantock Seaboard Defence Committee , who succeeded in obtaining the support of the architectural author Ian Nairn .
18 He tried to get into the wrong car-park and was , inevitably , confronted by a Lord 's gateman who succeeded in making far from happy .
19 This was shortly after Indonesia 's independence , when chaos racked the nation and Celebes was terrorized by the " Darul Islam " rebels , an Islamic fundamentalist group who succeeded in capturing the entire medical team and holding them hostage for eighteen months .
20 Industrialists exploited their workers , and western nations exploited the rest of the world — but those who succeeded in the struggle were only too willing to see their success as the driving force of progress .
21 Though his career had to this point suffered no check , according to Ata'i , he now fell into disfavour with the Grand Vezir Sokullu Mehmed Pasa ( Grand Vezir 972 87/1565–79 ) , who succeeded in accomplishing his removal , with a pension , in Safar 987/April 1579 .
22 On Feb. 12 the Tadjik Communist Party ( CP ) headquarters was besieged by rioters who succeeded in setting part of the building on fire ; the Tadjik Supreme Soviet Presidium declared a state of emergency and a night-time curfew in Dushanbe ; and , fearing a pogrom , Armenians were reported to be fleeing the city .
23 The evident ascendancy of conservatives , who succeeded in getting one of their number elected as leader of the new party , appeared to bode ill for President Mikhail Gorbachev , the CPSU general secretary , at the crucial 28th CPSU congress , due to open only a fortnight later .
24 The Court of Appeal laid down some rough guidelines in Froom v Butcher [ 1976 ] QB 286 when it decided that the defendant who succeeded in establishing that a plaintiff 's injuries could have been avoided by wearing a seat belt would have the benefit of a 25 per cent reduction in the plaintiff 's damages , even though the plaintiff was otherwise an innocent party .
25 This was the exiled Prokofiev 's very Russian response to the fantastic Gozzi fairy-tale of the hypochondriac prince who goes in search of three oranges , each containing a princess .
26 Also racing in Holland is Liverpool Women 's 10k winner Suzanne Rigg ( Warrington AC ) , who goes in the 10,000 metres .
27 But towards the end of my anorexic period I think I was verging upon mental illness in the sense that even those who disbelieve in it might accept , that is , I had become out of touch with reality as perceived by others and unable to cope with demands of everyday life .
28 The extreme snobbery of this abstruse observation would have been rude had it been clear , for Lydia knew perfectly well that the Molesworths were the sort of people who picnicked in lay-bys , bringing little chairs and tables and using the car boot as a sort of sideboard .
29 The attitude of outside well-wishers has too often been like that of a left-wing friend of mine who asked in the early days of the Grunwick strike ‘ Who is doing the organising there ? ’ — as though the workers were just so much raw material waiting to be organised .
30 It also marks the return of drummer Mark Brzezicki , who quit in 1989 , leaving Adamson , guitarist Bruce Watson and bassist Tony Butler in a sour relationship with their record company .
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