Example sentences of "up [v-ing] to " in BNC.

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1 Geldof gives up struggling to be a singer of quality and pitches for the spoken individuality of a Dylan .
2 I was supposed to be going back to my home , but I finished up driving to Lyle Towers with his clubs and the Open trophy .
3 Take up walking to the shops or school .
4 Ironically this Heath Robinson make-do also ended up contributing to the Dalek myth .
5 There is evidence of a Roman settlement as quite a number of coins have been ploughed up relating to this period in history .
6 In fact ‘ alpha ’ teams ( composed of high achievers ) may perform less successfully than those made up according to Belbin 's criteria for effective task achievement .
7 And community research will no longer be artificially divided up according to what proportion of the bill the Commission pays .
8 ‘ Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths , but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs , that it may benefit those who listen . ’
9 An alternative method of maintaining business confidence in cross-border transactions is to provide for the establishment of EC companies , which would be formed and wound up according to Community rules rather than the rules of any particular member state .
10 Although 80 per cent of the land was already privately owned , 20 per cent , mainly in the Midland counties , was still divided up according to the open-field system : the inhabitants of a village held land in common , and this common land , if suitable for cultivation , was divided into strips .
11 The Arkhangelsk Gospels are divided up according to the liturgical year .
12 Even today excavation reports treat artefacts as separate entities neatly divided up according to material from which they were made , i.e. gold , silver , lead , bronze , tin , iron , ivory , bone , jet , shale , stone , then followed by coins , samian decorated , samian plain , samian stamps , amphora stamps , mortaria stamps and coarse wares .
13 Alternatively , where such territories were too small and scattered , as in many colonised archipelagos , they were combined or broken up according to convenience or local politics .
14 The Board had been set up according to the provisions of the 1902 Education Act , which also created Local Education Authorities .
15 Before their attack 356 ( 23% ) patients had been prescribed treatment at step 2 , 275 ( 77% ) of whom remained at step 2 or lower after the attack , and 81 ( 23% ) had their treatment stepped up according to recommended guidelines .
16 I believe that they are extant throughout Europe and that our ancient villages did not just grow up according to the ribbon development and river crossing theory of geography , but conform to a larger , geometric pattern .
17 CISCO is seeking division of the Official List into segments with categories of companies set up according to their market capitalisation .
18 I literally grew up listening to John Peel .
19 During the first consultation a great deal of time was taken up listening to Maxine 's story and reassuring her that her problem was not incapable of being solved , although at that stage I was not quite certain how long this would take .
20 ‘ These are the songs I grew up listening to , ’ she says , ‘ they are the songs that made me want to be a singer . ’
21 ‘ I grew up listening to jazz , ’ explains Meier , ‘ because the Swiss charts were always full of silly songs . ’
22 All very worrying , especially since the only sleep I lost in the real Gulf War was in staying up listening to late-night doomsday discussions on Channel 4 .
23 Omar is part of a multiracial London club network of singers , rappers and musicians who have grown up listening to modern ‘ cutting edge ’ music and their parents ' record collections .
24 You can tell when he 's awake , his ears are straight up listening to everything you say .
25 Bert and I both noticed it , independently like , even though Bert only saw him the once when he were so taken up looking to Celia .
26 It is a worrying time for the Cupertino company , but it probably can come through more or less unscathed , simply because people buy Apple kit not for the underlying technology but for what 's on top of it , so provided a happy marriage can be arranged between the PowerPC hardware and Apple 's software , and the thing ends up looking to the user like a Macintosh that is simply faster , more powerful , more easy to use and in all ways better than the 68040-based models , Apple should be able to scrape through — and there is still a Motorola Inc 68060 in the pipeline that Apple can fall back on if everything in the IBM relationship goes awry .
27 After more adventures , the story ends up at another of Tom 's aunts , with Jim ( the nigger ) recaptured , Finn mistaken for Tom , and Tom turning up pretending to be his own brother !
28 But I knew that nothing would ever discourage him ; he 'd never give up wanting to be a director , and he 'd never be any good .
29 Well yes , but let me say that I gave up going to auditions well before I became well known through The History Man , on television .
30 He wondered how long it would be before they gave up going to the clearing altogether .
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