Example sentences of "up [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 Then spring up on to a bench .
2 So Angus got up on to the rock and held his fist high and told young McCulloch to stand the hostages on a knoll where everyone could see them and called out the oath above the drone of the pipe : ‘ We do swear — never to swerve — from our present path — till we have cleansed the country — of this oppressive Act .
3 In his chagrin he wandered up on to Moel Siabod above his home , where a clump of purple flowers amongst the grey rocks of the mountain caught his eye , just as they might that of some solitary wanderer today .
4 Follow this , keeping edge of wood on left and take next left fork which runs up on to a shoulder where another path joins from left and then ascends shoulder steeply ( f ) .
5 I go up on to the headland where there are huge cliffs shot with crevices and water streams down the walls from melting snow .
6 She also went up on to the stage afterwards to meet the singers , and endeared herself to them all when one of the chorus asked , ‘ Why do n't you come and audition for the company ? ’
7 The car reels and swerves up on to the pavement , crashing into a shopfront and shattering itself and the window panes .
8 But a thump at the door made her scramble back up on to the bed for safety .
9 Then Gazzer 's boyish face , grinning , cracking jokes , leapt up on to the screen .
10 Gazzer pushed himself painfully up on to all fours , peered around to get his bearings and scuttled , like a crab , past the swing-boats , down towards Mr Bishop 's kiosk .
11 Gaily heaved and hitched himself up on to the high stool , shoving the bag of laundry between his feet once more .
12 To the massed spectators in the stands , flung in an instant from joyous acclaim of a Royal winner to horrified , dumbfounded silence , Devon Loch had seemed to leap at an imaginary obstacle before slithering to the ground and skidding along to a halt , the momentum throwing Francis up on to the horse 's neck .
13 When her owner tried to get on , she crossed her jaws , and flung herself up on to her hind legs , wild-eyed and distraught ; and no amount of reassurance , leaving the reins completely slack , or having another person hold her made any difference .
14 I put both palms flat on the decaying undergrowth and tried to heave myself up on to my knees .
15 Hands tugged at the German and helped him up on to the narrow ledge .
16 The tér is in fact a busy roundabout from behind which a cable car takes you up on to Castle Hill and the ancient fortress area of Buda .
17 Swirling in an army Chinook helicopter through wind and fog and over a sea of smouldering lava yesterday , it was easy to see why earlier plans to bomb or mine it off course and up on to the surface have been shelved .
18 One of the soldiers had come up on to the cabin top .
19 Floating Gomez up on to his shoulders , he held him there with his left hand while pulling steadily with his right .
20 I can not remember just what purpose had taken me up on to the top floor of the house to where the row of guest bedrooms line the corridor .
21 There were no bombs left , so Mayne leaped up on to the wing and , reaching into the cockpit , wrenched out the instrument panel with his bare hands .
22 He leapt up on to the ledge of rock which ran around the whole island under the overhang like some inside-out cloister , and tied us up .
23 Do n't imagine you can walk easily straight up on to the Arête from the bottom of the corrie , as you may get into difficulties near the top unless you 've a head for heights .
24 This time I at least got past the lochan and up on to the boulder field that leads to the window .
25 This time we planned to take in two other Munros on the northern ridge of the corrie , Carn Liath and Stob Poite Coire Ardair , before dropping down to the window and back up on to Creag Meagaidh 's vast plateau .
26 The grassy hillside steering you up on to the ridge starts off as a benign little stroll , until you realise it is going to continue forever .
27 Landowners started to complain that the bikes were chewing up their paths , raising the whole ugly debate about access up on to a new plane , and ridge-walks lost some of their grandeur by displaying fat tyre tracks on their grassy sections .
28 There is no need to walk up to the summit of Cairn Gorm underneath the chairlift , since there is a route that runs west from the car park , and takes you up on to the Fiacaill ridge , a world away from the frightful clanking kingdom of the ski-tows .
29 After the theatrics of the ridge , it 's a strange experience to emerge up on to an enormous flat plateau — a bit like climbing the ladder up to your loft and discovering it leads to an American Football stadium .
30 Until try small shabby door on landing : which opens up on to flight of filthy stairs going up into cobwebbed , dust-laden attic smelling of undiscovered murders , with tiny dormer window , size of large paperback .
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