Example sentences of "who at time " in BNC.

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1 Having begun as a left-arm spinner he turned himself into a fast-medium bowler who frequently took the new ball and who at times could be decidedly nippy .
2 Perhaps the only member of the family who at times showed resentment was Sam , the next in line .
3 She had experienced her mother as a distant figure who at times just grabbed her and moved her about , but she had not had the physical and emotional closeness that she craved and needed .
4 The third mystery concerns another ghost known as ‘ Old Moll ’ who at times walks around the churchyard , the legend being connected with a horse which threw its rider when it reared at the sight of something supernatural coming down the hill at Skipsea Brough .
5 Michael Salata , 38 , who at times claims to be a terrorist and at other times a CIA agent , was last night being held on £150 bail .
6 Whereas I scurry aimlessly from this to that , thought Alix , as she drove through the dark evening : they block one path , I try another , and so it goes on , thought Alix , who at times thought no such thing , and was not thinking it now with much conviction .
7 So it was again later , but from the mid eighth century to the mid sixth she found a rival who at times surpassed her , Corinth .
8 Erm I mean obviously you 've got people up in the flats who at times , hit absolute desperate rock-bottom situations .
9 Thereafter he prospered as a royal attendant , who at times served on campaign , and as a county magnate .
10 Pegasus did n't win their first short corner of the game until the 28th minute , and that was down to Nadine Long , who at times was the only forward prepared to take on the Portadown defence .
11 He is a very ‘ real ’ person who at times seems slightly brash but basically honest .
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