Example sentences of "who [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If the Soviet state machine , the process of production and the producers , are directed by the party-state nomenklatura officials , who recruit by co-option from among the beneficiaries of higher education , and who in various ways benefit from privilege , it follows that this ruling stratum has some of the characteristics of a ruling class , though not that of ownership , except possibly in some collective sense .
2 One for those who judge by appearances rather than practical application .
3 But towards the end of my anorexic period I think I was verging upon mental illness in the sense that even those who disbelieve in it might accept , that is , I had become out of touch with reality as perceived by others and unable to cope with demands of everyday life .
4 Many of the great fortunes in this country are still in the hands of the landed aristocracy who tend to be preoccupied with maintaining their great estates and country houses , no doubt feeling that opening them to the public is in itself a form of patronage .
5 More to the point , you fail to mention the fact that the Government has offered talks on a pay structure which would ensure that those ambulance workers with a high skill level , who tend to be those who deal with the worst accidents , are paid more to reflect their training .
6 But in the 1990s many citizens , particularly among the English ( who tend to be less conscious of their ‘ Englishness ’ than the Scots and Welsh are of their national identities ) , do not even feel British : it has been commented that the British lost their sense of identity along with their empire and have not yet found another identity .
7 They it is who tend to be always insisting this or that figure is the one to emulate , or repeating what some particular hero is said to have pronounced upon professional matters .
8 Unfortunately , a diagnosis of psychosomatic illness is often arrived at by a much shorter and less strenuous route than this , particularly with female patients , who tend to be perceived as more ‘ nervy ’ .
9 Support needs to be given to them , not least In their ministry to other homosexuals , who tend to be drawn to the inner cities . '
10 Students , who tend to the left , can choose whether to register in their parents ' homes or where they live in term time .
11 However , despite the publicity given to the more extravagant claims about the impact of new technology on the level of unemployment , and the popular notion that the silicon chip is a job destroyer , a survey , published in 1979 , of some 400 documents on the effect of the new information technologies on employment showed ‘ how little foundation there is to existing studies , half of which are by pessimists ( often with a trade union background ) and the other half by optimists ( who tend to be on the employers ’ side ) ’ ( Institute for Research on Public Policy 1979 ) .
12 Real choice is most likely for a small minority of shoppers who tend to be better educated and richer than average .
13 First , the concern of socialists with justice is a rebuke to many of us in the West who tend to be far too complacent in accepting the status quo and much which is unjust which goes with it .
14 Children who tend to be irritable , moody , difficult to manage , and emotional about changes or frustrated will generally react with the most disturbance to the birth .
15 There is a continuous debate in media circles , for example , about how to reach light ITV viewers , who tend to be concentrated among better-off , and to an extent younger , people .
16 These three studies all suggest ( if do not prove ) that science specialists are likely to be rather more conformist and conventional in outlook than arts specialists , who tend to be slightly more rebellious and free-thinking .
17 It will threaten the jobs , status , and opportunities of a good many people in the organization , especially the long-serving , middle-aged people in middle management who tend to be the least mobile and to feel most secure in their work , their positions , their relationships , and their behavior .
18 Consequently , the manufacture of base fertilizers is concentrated amongst large-scale firms who tend to be part of the wider chemical industry .
19 In its early days software is tested by programmers and expert , hand picked users , who tend to be reasonable about they way they use machines .
20 This is especially true of black women writers , who tend to be plucked out of context to lend a splash of colour to a pallid white landscape — like a single exotic flower among drab , overwatered shrubs .
21 Rolle stresses at the beginning the joy which is the obverse of the discipline : But although it is characteristic of Rolle 's writing to stress the joy of the contemplative , it would be a mistake to suppose that he ever suggests that the passage to it is easy : At the very start he warns against the specific danger attendant on solitary life — hallucination ; a point to remember when considering the arguments of those who tend to be distrustful of Rolle 's theology .
22 They may involve two or more companies , who tend to be related not by product type but rather by similar customer profits .
23 Where it breaks down and you get a governing body that is split down the middle , where you get staff who tend to who might tend to go in an opposite way to the head teacher , where you get parents who are asked to make difficult decisions as with an opt out ballot , then I think that you have to look very hard at the way that that school is managed and the way that it 's going in the future , because those are the sort of issues that unless you get those right the future for the school can not be as bright as it is for one where they are working as a team .
24 So , whilst in the foregoing passage repressed homosexuality is construed as a cause of a violent and neurotic racism , elsewhere Fanon regards manifest homosexuality as an effect of the same neurotic racism , though now in a masochistic rather than a sadistic form , and especially the masochistic relation of the white man to the black man : ‘ There are , for instance , men who go to ‘ houses ' ’ in order to be beaten by negroes ; passive homosexuals who insist on black partners ' ( pp. 158 , 156 , 177 ) .
25 Even those who insist on a modern digital recording , as distinct from digitally remastered analogue sound , will find a remarkably wide choice .
26 The problem is that you are dealing with foreigners who insist on having different money , customs , languages , politics , legislation and living a long way away .
27 I believe Boycott has not been asked because his approach to coaching Test players conflicts with the contract with sponsors Whittingdale , who insist on paid coaches wearing sponsored equipment and sticking to rigid schedules .
28 Now that 's what I call music • All ‘ street entertainers ’ at the Edinburgh Festival who insist on miming , unicycling or juggling novelty items are forced to partake in that oldest of street entertainment : tarring and feathering • Soccer 's new premier league is renamed ‘ The Premium Interest Super Plug Golden Accountant League ’ • Someone explains why American riots are caused by ‘ poverty and injustice ’ and British riots are caused by ‘ joy-riders and anarchists ’ • A Telethon is held to raise money for the fourth Trident Sub , rather than the essential services of our country • New laws to curb the press include compulsory dope testing for pop columnists • The KLF reveal Eldorado was just their latest Situ-prank • The Groucho replaces the goatee in the fashionable facial hair stakes .
29 Although , as discussed in Chapter 4 , most search consultants encounter difficulties in attracting candidates on behalf of clients who insist on remaining anonymous for at least the initial stages of the search , many clients see this as a real plus in using headhunters in the first place .
30 Pacem in Terris was also original in noting three features of the modern world in which John believed the influence of the Holy Spirit could be discerned : ‘ the progressive improvement in the social conditions of working people who insist on being treated as human beings ’ ( 40 ) ; the part played by women in political life and the fact that ‘ women are gaining an increasing awareness of their natural dignity ’ ( 41 ) ; and the ending of imperialism .
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