Example sentences of "who [vb past] i " in BNC.

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1 If I 'd stayed any longer with the villain who sold me those QE2 boots , I 'd have walked from the shop with a case of tent pegs and a canoe .
2 A woman with a vacuum cleaner whose tube I fell over , the man who sold me withered flowers , even the couple who let their dog foul outside the gate were all candidates for a warm hug and a deluge of good wishes .
3 No I could n't I mean , and these people are Jehovah Witnesses who sold me this house and my feelings about the commercial probity of Jehovah Witnesses are that they have n't any commercial probity .
4 Your father was one of those who attacked me . ’
5 Pensively I roamed through a housing estate , stopped by a bearded man who asked me if I knew where Number Fifty was .
6 ‘ You engaged ? ’ said an American soldier who asked me to dance .
7 I met the then Chairman of the AAA , Bill Ferguson , who asked me what the problem was all about .
8 And my magic wrought true — for it was into your time I came , to Starr Hills , where I had walked four hundred years before ; and coming to meet me was a man who asked me simply if I were a mermaid , for he had seen me walking out of the sea . ’
9 And , it was the attitude of the other men going to a , play another school , I came across this man who asked me who the referee was on that particular day ?
10 While I was sitting there , sipping my glass of hot , sweet Indian tea , I was approached by a shifty-looking man who asked me whether I could help him ; he had seen me with my camera ; could I help him mend his ?
11 ‘ You were the one who asked me about it , ’ she returned , as angry and impatient as he was .
12 It was De Gaulle who asked me the dumb question in the van-his condescension brought him down to what he imagined was my level .
13 I have just met some colleagues in the House — and I do not dare to name the Opposition Members — who asked me questions about the amendment because there were points that they could not understand or that they had not seen before .
14 Who asked me to ?
15 It 's been there a very long time , cos that man was old who asked me , you , you know it was an old man he said that , and I was quite young , he said er , er is that cross still there in , in Chichester , I said yes , it 's still there .
16 My secret eating was expressing what my secret writing ( a misplaced oral activity ) could not : my hatred towards those who oppressed me , my desperate sense of isolation .
17 I was , after all , living with a man who was stealing from me , keeping part of his life secret from me , who expected me to adapt myself to his obsessive timekeeping .
18 Through George Wigg I became reasonably close to Richard Crossman who consulted me on a number of occasions — I have already described the Spectator libel case — but who , I must confess , turned out to be a disappointment to me , since the reputation he had earned for more than occasional unreliability I found to be entirely justified .
19 ( This is perhaps why those who appointed me enquired rather anxiously whether I , too , meant to enjoy the kingdom for thirty years . )
20 ‘ I 've never laid eyes on 'em before , ’ he replied , ‘ but I 'll never ferget the bloke who laid me out .
21 ‘ And indeed we might say that the very greatest soldiers — Joshua , David , Alexander — who lent me one of my Christian names — Caesar , of course , our own great Alfred — the only king we call Great — Edward — and we could extend the list into the present — all have been scholars in some manner .
22 I 'm just sorry the whole thing happened and the man who must be embarrassed about this most of all is sponsor Matt Laverty who lent me the bike on Thursday night at practice . ’
23 How very arrogant you are , Feargal , and might I remind you that it was you who sought me out , not the other way round ? ’
24 Then , said he , ‘ Would the comrade who interrupted me please stand up ! ’
25 Yes , she was the first person who made me realise that acting was more than just speaking and doing .
26 I had met many good people before who made me feel ashamed of my own shortcomings , but in the presence of this man — we never discussed anything but literary business — I did not feel ashamed .
27 And when I appeal in parishes Sunday by Sunday I am aware that I meet the very people who made me a missionary .
28 These are the people who made me Wales 's only woman MP .
29 I thought it would have got better by itself — it was my son who made me call the doctor ’
30 A man who made me laugh and feel better . ’
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