Example sentences of "so often [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is just this point that is made by Lado , whose approach to language teaching is so often represented as directly opposed to the development of communicative abilities :
2 It has also been shown that more sensitive judgements can be obtained from children when the power figure — so often represented by the adult — is removed ( Lloyd and Donaldson , 1976 ) .
3 Before the patient leaves the physiotherapist uses a particular technique which helps work through the big sobs that so often follow crying , believing that the crying has used up oxygen and big sobs restore balance .
4 But although they were terrified of the Magistrate , who in more peaceful times had so often savaged their verses , the ladies in the billiard room stoutly refused to volunteer for the banqueting hall , which they wrongly believed to be more dangerous than the Residency except for Lucy , who was generally acknowledged to have nothing to live for anyway .
5 They reject help from outside agencies which they see as interfering and so often show a poor response to therapy and intervention .
6 Perhaps it was caused by the complicated influences of the valley where the men seemed so often to remain unmarried , sometimes perhaps because , as Beuno held , their mothers said there was no one good enough for them , sometimes because there simply was n't anyone .
7 ‘ No , you 've got it wrong , darling , ’ she said — talking to me , but every so often glancing across at Dad .
8 Here the answer must be found through small-scale sustainable business initiatives — difficult to foster without the huge scale of corporate funding so often avalanched into the developing world , but modestly emerging never the less .
9 A lonely place , though the porter caused some light comedy with his staggering and drunken curses , stopping every so often to wave Ranulf on , urging him to hold the lantern horn higher .
10 Between them they expressed the opposing feelings so often displayed by young children in the peak age of attachment : on the one hand , the protest and fury about being left — cries of rage — and then a sullen refusal to acknowledge and come to the mother ; on the other hand , the desperate yearning for the loved one and a need to cling and not let go .
11 She had left him , just as she so often threatened to do .
12 All the staff in salons selling TiGi Linea have been trained so that they can recommend using two shampoos alternately so that your hair does not develop a build-up to a particularly product , which so often results in dull , lifeless hair .
13 In addition , the police are requiring promoters to observe the appropriate minimum age and failure to do so often results in permission being refused .
14 Perhaps the record companies should give us more live recordings , when such noise-free and moving performances can nowadays be taped successfully , and where at least there is continuity of expression , so often lost in piecemeal studio productions .
15 He remembered Hause Point , he remembered the abyss he had so often fallen into .
16 It 's a troublesome beast , this poetic ambiguity which we are so often taught to value more highly than the explicit .
17 It is thus that ‘ national liberation ’ , or the breakaway movements , so often take on the colour and rhetoric of the group they see as dominating them .
18 This section looks back further into Christian tradition and examines the concept of faith , particularly in relation to the word which it is so often contrasted to , ‘ reason ’ , in order to identify more clearly the stance adopted by the ‘ no meaning ’ theist .
19 Even the papacy under John XXII , who is so often contrasted as the strong man to Edward 's weakling , gained little if any significant advantage to the detriment of the king .
20 The quality of ‘ education in the round ’ is to be found at its most developed in the small village school where the teachers so often become an integral part of the community in which they work .
21 However , this analysis also fails to explain why even the reading aloud of single function words ( where there is no question of stress patterns in a sentence ) is so often impaired in Broca 's aphasia .
22 He felt his influence therefore to be transmitted entirely through his books , and in these , which were so often destroyed , what he had to say was constantly repeated .
23 A sharp eyed youngster should have no difficulty in spotting the loose change , that so often litter such areas .
24 The biggest mistake that we have made so far is the one that critics of the European Community so often turn against us — the fact that we were absent when the common agricultural policy was established .
25 The combination of boogification with romantic lyricism in ‘ Heartbreak Hotel ’ — one element deriving from established Tin Pan Alley technique , the other from the black American subculture — produces a style already , at this early stage in Elvis 's career , teetering on the edge of that melodrama into which he was so often to fall .
26 I have little in common with the ideal woman that male artists in particular have so often painted .
27 Situated on Brighton Seafront close to the famous West Pier , the Brighton Hotel offers elegance , luxury and comfort , coupled with the friendly service so often lacking in the larger establishment .
28 AFTER THEIR recent eponymous chart success , northern bleep boys LFO have set their hands to a remix of the BOTANY 5 cut ‘ Lovebomb ’ , which they 've approached with an excitement and verve so often lacking from more established remixers ' work .
29 AFTER THEIR recent eponymous chart success , northern bleep boys LFO have set their hands to a remix of the BOTANY 5 cut ‘ Lovebomb ’ , which they 've approached with an excitement and verve so often lacking from more established remixers ' work .
30 A fine guitarist in many styles , his band combines professionalism with wry humour and a straightforward honesty of purpose ( so often lacking in music of this kind ) .
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