Example sentences of "so as [art] " in BNC.

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1 The thorough and accomplished virtuoso , the reasonable and methodical teacher , the learned musician — these characteristics … are all here revealed in one … for many of those , too , who profess the violin will here find instruction , and will do well to profit by this great master 's teaching , so as no longer to spoil their pupils with bad precepts .
2 And Doña Ximena and her daughters stood trembling , like women who had never seen such things before : and when the Cid saw it he made them seat themselves , so as no longer to behold it .
3 So as the 1980s drew to a close , the sub-sectors dubbed Coal , Construction , Petroleum and Metals were all in fine shape , and their outlook for the 1990s is promising .
4 This June Meeting asked for the bond balances to be called in so as the final land purchase could go ahead and , for the first of many times , it discussed the question of the use of caddies on a Sunday .
5 ( iv ) Individuals choose to belong to national groups ( even if the oppressing force reduces the range of choice to a very narrow one ) and do so as the selection of a strategy for action , not the passive recognition of some primordial ordering .
6 In most cases , the ministers not directly involved had either read the brief late the previous night , or started to do so as the argument proceeded . ’
7 We sat on the hall floor , cross-legged , in our forms , with our form-mistress beside us , so as the Headmistress stood on the platform , she looked down upon a sea of faces , rows and rows of black-stockinged legs , and a long line of mistresses sitting on their chairs .
8 It may perhaps be objected that the distance may prevent the pupils of the Hospitals from attending the Lectures of the Veterinary Professor — I will first answer to that — that it would be dangerous for the progress of the Veterinary science to give them too free admission into the College — because it might give a disgust to the residing pupils from their application to the Veterinary Medicine and many of them would change their mind and apply themselves to the anatomy of the human body , thinking that it would be more honorable for them to cure the human species than Animals , this happened in France and the best Veterinary pupils are now Physicians and Surgeons to the human species — this prejudiced ideal would inculcate itself into the minds of young men , the more so as the Veterinary Science is still in its Infancy in this Country , and in an abject state , for this reason it would be equally dangerous to permit residing pupils to attend medical or anatomical lectures , of the human body , or to frequent Hospitals : Therefore a certain distance from the Town would be more useful than otherwise for the progress of the Veterinary Science .
9 So as the Moon beams down on you this Christmas take it as an extraterrestrial greeting for a happy 1983 !
10 However , the languages of science and engineering have become so specialised that communication across the disciplines is difficult to achieve , but there seems to be no reason in principle why this must be so as the concepts are universal .
11 It was an electrifying race , made more so as the runners approached the third stage .
12 In fact I 'm going to comment on every aspect and section of the mag , and so as the trend goes :
13 Unless the inviting church can show that it has the capacity within itself to attract and retain the outsider , it is unlikely to do so as the result of a brief visit from an itinerant evangelist , no matter how gifted .
14 Tolkien could be learned and practical at once , a style common enough in Old English but ( he probably reflected ) less and less so as the Norman Conquest and the Renaissance wore on , seeing to it that ‘ education ’ meant increasingly ‘ education in Latin ’ and the creation of a distinctive literary caste .
15 So as the children play , the detective studies his book
16 The centre and focus of the whole is Jesus Christ himself — Jesus Chalst as ‘ true God and true man ’ , and so as the key both to the nature and activity of God and to the meaning and purpose of human existence .
17 The majority of lone parents become so as the result of separation , divorce or death .
18 If , as Honoré Bouvet wrote , the soldier who acted qua soldier did so as the king 's deputy , all the more so did war 's new leaders act in his name .
19 So as the struggle against the double standard developed , particularly amongst social-purity crusaders from the 1860s onwards , one of the prime targets in trying to establish a single standard of morality ( the morality essentially of the chaste woman ) was the drive against public manifestations of vice .
20 So as the time for hatching approaches , all the eggs may not be equally ready .
21 However , while it is possible to discount the efficiency consequences at low rates of tax , it becomes less and less easy to do so as the rates of tax get higher .
22 The fee of 9d showed that Halling possessed a church and was designated so as the fee for a chapel was 6d .
23 So as the black hole loses mass , its temperature and rate of emission increase , so it loses mass more quickly .
24 Why do I have to give myself galloping shingles and chronic insomnia just so as the critic of the Evening Standard can say , ‘ Maureen Lipman is to the world of chat show hosts what Frank Bruno is to the world of petit-point ’ ? ’
25 Traditionally , organisations are constructed pyramidally , with a hierarchy most powerful at the top and progressively less so as the pyramid spreads downwards .
26 So as the roof was all secure before they blasted the centre out .
27 So as the light would n't have reflected through the entrance .
28 But yes , the trend is the same as the national one , there is an increase in arson , possibly that 's also influenced by the fact that we 're better at detecting arson and we 're becoming increasingly more so as the years go by , and calls that would have been recorded as unknown in the past , would now be recorded as this .
29 So as the unofficial electioneering gathers pace , Mr Kinnock is keeping an eye on the date .
30 So as the 48 assorted classic cars arrived at Scotch Corner around 3pm Steve and Graham 's Jaguar XK150 was not among them .
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