Example sentences of "so it has " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But the German system appears to have no place for the producer — it 's like a final , ridiculous culmination of the auteur theory , which insisted that movies are made by directors rather than producers — and so it has no room for that kind of creative argument . ’
2 IN THE recent report of the Church of England 's Doctrine Commission , We Believe in God , the doctrine of divine impassibility , that God can not suffer , is described as ‘ the most venerable theological position ’ and so it has generally been when Christians have endeavoured to think or speak about the nature of their God .
3 So it has to improve its efficiency by a considerable amount just to stand still .
4 So it has to improve its efficiency by a considerable amount just to stand still .
5 And so it has gone on , although by the end of the 1980s it was evident that the patience of even a government as dedicated to the eventual triumph of nuclear power as Mrs Thatcher 's was showing signs of severe strain .
6 So it has dawned on the financial markets that the enemy might actually win the next election .
7 Over the past 15 years or so it has spread through Russia and then to Western Europe .
8 And so it has now set its ‘ education and outreach ’ department ‘ to encourage young people from across Britain to use their music and song to tell their stories ’ .
9 Malcolm White , who retired as Headmaster at Gillott 's School in 1980 , has revitalised the Junior section in recent years , so much so it has 55 members under 18 ( 53 boys and 2 girls ) .
10 So it has been with other countries of immigration — the immigrants embraced a new nationality with , if the nationalist fictions are to be believed , unseemly eagerness .
11 Rising as it did , when the nobility and knightly classes in England were of Norman stock , it follows that the language of armory was French , and so it has remained ( in remarkably garbed form with English interpolations ) to the present day .
12 Digestion can therefore be expected to be greater in mammalian predators , and so it has been found here .
13 So it has come up with the idea of a tape ‘ loop ’ to delay the broadcast of ‘ live ’ debates for long enough for an engineer to hit a panic button until the offending words have passed .
14 An early government land surveyor mis-spelled Mosgiel with a single ‘ s ’ and so it has remained .
15 In the past half century or so it has been discovered that water is a very strange substance indeed , exhibiting many anomalous and unexpected characteristics , some of which have already been mentioned in Chapter 7 .
16 The constraint is satisfied implicitly , since x 1 + x 2 + x 3 > 0 for any feasible solution of P6 and so it has been dropped .
17 So it has been ever since , with Barnes , a more colourful , controversial and flamboyant alternative , condemned to a state of permanent reserve as Andrew 's safe hands and feet unfalteringly served his country .
18 So it has been for centuries , yet the multi-petalled bloom of modern times , epitomized by the modern Hybrid Tea rose ( or , as it is abbreviated , H.T. ) and probably most people 's mental image of all that a rose is and should be , is a product of modern hybridizing and cross-breeding that did not exist even as recently as medieval times .
19 So it has proved .
20 So it has a lot to gain .
21 In doing so it has been heaped with opprobrium by other sections of the left ( see Kettle , 1984 ) .
22 Unlike some of its competitors , Bull says it has yet to work out whether or not Posix compatibility for proprietary systems is anything more than a marketing gimmick , and so it has not yet embarked on the expensive process of adapting the GCOS operating systems to comply with Posix .
23 Prime was brought down when to escape a hostile bid from MAI Systems Corp , it agreed to one of the last — and most doomed — leveraged buyouts in the computer industry by a group led by J H Whitney & Co , just before the boom fell on such transactions , which saddled Prime with a debt burden that at the time looked unsustainable — as so it has proved .
24 So it has been held that a provision in a statute that regulations made under the statute will take effect as if enacted in the statute ( that is , they will be unchallengeable as if they were made by Parliament ) does not prevent the courts holding the regulation to be ultra vires .
25 So it has been subject to recent rigorous scrutiny by a series of government reports : the Audit Commission ( 1986 ) , the House of Commons Social Services Committee Report ( 1985 ) and the Griffiths Report ( 1986 ) which resulted in the 1989 White paper Caring for People .
26 They have n't been as much part of my life as I would like , because for the last year or so it has been more or less taken up by the future of the channel .
27 So it has proved .
28 Positioned well away from the planned recreational activities , it promised to attract an abundance of wildlife — and so it has turned out .
29 The kind of variation revealed by occasional spellings as primary evidence does not always fit comfortably into the standard historical linguistic mould , and so it has often seemed convenient to ignore it or explain it away , sometimes on the grounds that variability of the kind apparently attested is ‘ impossible ’ .
30 So it has worked out very well all round . ’
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