Example sentences of "so good as " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Why are Catholic churches here not so good as Church of Ireland ones ? ’ the man asked me .
2 Be so good as to enter . ’
3 When any seeds arrive from him I will take the first opportunity of sending you a share and in return shall trouble you for some Northern and Welsh plants which I hope we shall make proper conveniency to receive into our Garden in a short time ; for several of those which you were so good as to furnish me with a few years since are lost for want of proper soil and situation , the natural earth of our Garden being too light and dry and the bottom too warm .
4 I shall be obliged to you if you will be so good as to let the bearer have my copy of the last year 's Transactions , in which you will greatly oblige , Sir , your most humble servant , Philip Miller .
5 The specimens you were so good as to send to me by Captain Lyon would have been a treasure had they arrived safe ; but his ship was taken by the French , so those were all lost , which is a great misfortune at this time , when they would have been of great service to me , in ascertaining the names of some plants which remain doubtful .
6 Of the second here illustrated , the Moss Provence , Miller said that it had not long been known in London and the first time he saw it ‘ was in 1727 in the garden of Dr Boerhaave near Leyden who was so good as to give me one of the plants , but from where it came I could not learn .
7 Mr. Leapor has put down a Grave-Stone in Memory of his Daughter ; and I should be glad if any of the ingenious Gentlemen you mention would be so good as to write a few Lines to be put upon it
8 Your Grace will therefore be so good as to allow me to ask you most humbly for my discharge … seeing that when I asked you for permission to travel to Vienna three years ago you graciously declared that I had nothing to hope for in Salzburg and would do better to seek my fortune elsewhere .
9 The next top up was n't so good as it only worked on one side and all the pain was concentrated in one place .
10 Now if you will be so good as to let me pass . ’
11 In fact the staff student ratios of the early 1980s are not much different from the pre-expansion figures , though they are generally not so good as in Britain or the US .
12 They often suffered from vaginismus , but they invariably praised their husbands for being ‘ exceptionally kind ’ , passive , totally understanding and ‘ so good as not to bother me ’ .
13 If you would be so good as to allow me a bucket of water , provide shirt and breeches , to be paid for when the meeting is over . ’
14 been organized , in many instances , on the same principles as the factory or office production line , and ’ … staffed by serried ranks of detail workers whose pay scales , if they are better than those of factory operatives or clerical workers , are perhaps not so good as those of craftsmen , and who dispose of little more working independence and authority than the production worker .
15 I shou 'd like a cloth one best if you please — I beg of your Sir to be so good as not to fail me this Cardinal by Wednesday , without fail , but let it be full yard long I beg , or else it will not do fail not on Wednesday , and in so doing you will very much oblige me .
16 Please be so good as to answer . ’
17 ‘ Perhaps if you could be so good as to slip the jacket off , Major , we might complete the hanging of the trousers ? ’
18 ‘ Now if the Major would be so good as to arrange a workroom , I can have the suit finished in a couple of hours . ’
19 ‘ NOT SO good as ‘ Charming Man ’ say some , but I 'd say better .
20 Food never tastes so good as it does after a long day 's hike .
21 And as your Lordship is so good as to talk to some of the Agents that deal that way I shall be exceedingly obliged … if any thing can be done ’ .
22 " Would you be so good as to ask Mr Lee to step out here please .
23 He mentioned also that " The inhabitants of the town have been so good as to rebuild me the Court wall and make some improvements in the yard , and they are very desirous for the Company to lend their aid " .
24 Perhaps you will be so good as to tell your guards to accompany me to the foot of the hill ? "
25 I will pawn my life for her , she will never be so pert to your honour if you will be so good as to molest her no more .
26 JEWKES : O , you are very good , sir , very forgiving indeed , but come , I hope you will be so good as to take her to your bosom and that my tomorrow morning you 'll bring her to a better sense of her duty .
27 BELVILLE : [ getting a little bored with PAMELA 's compliance ] You are very obliging , Pamela , but now be so good as to find some fault with me and say what you would wish me to do to appear more agreeable to you .
28 So maybe that 's kept us going when the times were n't so good as they might be .
29 Would his Imperial Majesty the Shah be so good as to pause in Marrakesh on his way to the US ?
30 My m my memories not nearly so good as it was .
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