Example sentences of "as [art] same " in BNC.

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1 But Lawrence dramatizes something else : if , within the construction of homosexuality as a fear or refusal of otherness , there may be a projection by the male heterosexual on to the homosexual of his fear of the woman as other , there may also be a disavowal of the heterosexual 's fear of the homosexual as the same — that is , a fear of those gender proximities and interconnections , including Lawrence 's opposed energy ‘ flows ’ , whose feared mutual implication compromises not only the ideology of sexual difference , but the cultural formations which it underwrites .
2 ( The problem of recognizing C as the same object when viewed from different directions is a much harder one , which I will touch on in the next chapter ) .
3 For the next half-hour Roland worked haphazardly , moving backwards and forwards in the Vico , half-looking for Proserpina , half-reading Ash 's notes , which was not easy , since they were written in various languages , in Ash 's annotating hand , which was reduced to a minute near-printing , not immediately identifiable as the same as his more generous poetic or letter-writing hand .
4 Feed systems vary according to whether liquid or powder detergents are used as the same system can not be used for both .
5 As the same time , the left-wing sympathies of Brent Council allowed the inverted nazism of Radical Librarianship free rein to withdraw ( i.e. censor ) anything that offended its sensibilities .
6 Of course they could read the monthly pack anyway but they do not see this as the same as actually having to insert each change in its correct place .
7 And then she remembered why she was there , because the Mahon virus had been joined with humanity , had been introduced into the genes as the same batch of fluid that had given life to Piphros .
8 T.annectens is generally regarded as the same species , although separation has been suggested .
9 They come across as the same songs although they do n't sound as huge and magnificent and lush as they do on the record .
10 After this time they were never really separated for any long period , and the course of Dorothy 's life can be regarded as the same as Wordsworth 's .
11 Camcorders on the other hand have to be given a little help to cope with different kinds of lighting by adjustment of their internal white balance settings to enable them to ‘ see ’ white as the same neutral colour regardless of the conditions .
12 There are no written vowel letters in Hebrew and so the words Nazara ( as it was originally ) and Nezer would appear as the same word , simply ‘ N Z R ’ .
13 Lévi-Strauss accepted the traditional role of anthropology to ‘ explain' the differences of alien cultures in ways that make them recognisable as the same ‘ underneath ’ .
14 Pickering said : ‘ Dave Mackay did a great job for Derby in his mid-thirties and we saw Robson as the same type of leader . ’
15 For a moment I did n't even recognise it as the same owl Derek and I had been round to see a few weeks before .
16 As the same alanine and glycine codons are present at these positions in both human and bovine cDNA sequences and because the human gene , where analysed ( data not shown ) , has the same intron/exon boundaries , we suggest that these conclusions are applicable to the GGF gene structure and to the mRNA splicing patterns in both species .
17 Sartre therefore tried to show that the two were not opposed : arguing that the dialectic is produced by human subjectivity rather than inscribed within history itself , at the same time he also asserted the truth of the Marxist account of there being one history with a single meaning — a history , that is , in which all differences return as the same .
18 Much of this music has no other recording — and none of it on the harp , and King plays it with rare strength , sensitivity and the conviction of one who is also inventing it as the same time — and is delighted by his own trouvailles .
19 Any nominated initials/sex identity codes which occurred more than once were treated as the same person .
20 For example , different instances of sounds that human listeners perceive as the same may have very different waveforms .
21 As the same study of the executive and legislative roles in the Vietnam war points out , another of the provisions of the 1949 Mutual Defense Assistance Act — approved with almost no debate — authorized the President to send US armed forces as non-combatant military advisers to any ‘ agency or nation ’ in the world .
22 I have got to alter myself so completely that at the end I should hardly be recognisable as the same person .
23 " Item whereas there is Sixscore pounds due unto mee by Roger Harper and Johnn Barrett Payable at Certen Dayes and tymes agreed uponn betweene us , My mynde and will ys That the Somme of Fortye pounds being a Thirdd parte of the sayd Sixscore pounds shall be and remayne to the augmentacion and increase of the wages of the Schoolemaster of Stockport for the tyme beinge , for ever , to be hadd and receaved at suche dayes and tymes as the same shall bee due , And further I do will and bequeath the sume of Tenn pounds for and towards the augmenting of the Schoolmasters wages afforesayd to make upp the sayd sume of Fortye pounds the Full sume of Fyftie pounds All the sayd Sume to be Imployed and used for the benefit of the Schoolemaster afforesayde by the Parsonn of Stockporte the Maior of Stockport and the most Auncyent Alderman thereof for the time being .
24 You ca n't bear it any longer , does that act as the same ?
25 and as the same thing applies to the knee exactly the same thing , wound there you keep the knee bent a little bit and you can do exactly the same bandage like a figure of eight , okay ?
26 C. I. Lewis used to claim that basic beliefs were ‘ certain' or ‘ incorrigible ’ ( Lewis , 1952 and 1946 , ch. 7 ) ; it is not always clear whether he thought of these as the same as being infallible or not .
27 As the same government report pointed out : ‘ Shift work involves basic and far-reaching changes in the way of life of the individual and his family and the shift worker may also suffer the disadvantages of working considerable amounts of overtime … .
28 This is akin to the defence of consent of the plaintiff , and Bramwell B. in Carstairs v. Taylor treated it as the same thing .
29 That a topic of discourse is such that on different occasions it can be referred to as the same is an analytic proposition setting out part of what " topic of discourse " means .
30 And the poor owd boy put his hat back on sheepish like and watched the fly zooming about the smithy , giving us a look as the same time .
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