Example sentences of "as [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A more common way in which the simulation of the old computer can be improved is to select heavily used portions of the simulator program and replace them with individual specialized instructions ( such as for instruction fetching and decoding ) ; these new instructions are then implemented in microcode .
2 There is evidence of individual learned behaviour patterns , such as for instance barn owls which roost in caves and which predate bat roosts in the same caves .
3 Also , to see as much of the main palace as possible it is necessary to take several guided tours ( such as for Madame du Barry 's apartments , Madame de Maintenon 's suite , and the King 's private apartments ) which are often available only at awkward times on specific days .
4 Thus on the IBM 370 range , double.length fixed point binary operands ( such as for multiplication and division ) are held in a pair of consecutive accumulators , and the instruction species the lower numbered accumulator of the pair ; since the effective MQ register is an accumulator , we can use any of the computer 's instruction set to manipulate it .
5 The whole package of policies was presented in a series of leaflets and pamphlets , such as for Socialism and Peace and Labour 's Immediate Programme ( 1937 ) .
6 There are times when this is quite acceptable , such as for street interviews or music recording , but they are not suitable for drama unless they are mounted on a boom .
7 Where statutory cover is involved , such as for car insurance , any claims would be met in full .
8 Trade and industry are poorly represented in Carlisle , and what evidence there is , such as for copper-working and possibly tanning , may be military rather than civilian in character .
9 For example , monies could be restricted because the governing body has put them aside for a specific purpose , such as for renewal of a fleet of cars .
10 It may well therefore be necessary to have recourse to other defences , such as for example short time limits within which such claims have to be advanced .
11 No doubt in the exercise of its discretion a court may take into account a number of factors , such as for example the conduct and wishes of individual investors , which might in a given case militate against the making of an order .
12 Some anthropological researchers , such as for example Burton , and many of those whose work is collected by Cohen ( 1982 ) , also identify neighbourhoods and even towns by pseudonyms .
13 The still lifes which Picasso executed during the winter of 1908–9 and the early spring of 1909 , such as for example the Compotier in the Museum of Modern Art , New York ( a work of late 1908 ) , are more frankly Cézannesque than anything that preceded them .
14 It seems realistic to expect the auditor to take such information into account in his review of the audit and the person acting as auditor also needs to be aware of other non-audit work on his client that partners in his firm may be doing such as for example tax work and they in turn should consider whether any information that may arise from their work is relevant to the conduct of the audit and where it is , they should also consider whether it is relevant to the duty to report to the regulator , the partner carrying out the audit should also if possible , discuss it with his client .
15 Er on the day of the event you went either your mother or somebody else 's mother Usually the custom was that the the boy who was to be the horse would be decorated either by his own mother , say , or or perhaps the person who he was s s he Who he was partnering as as as ploughman , you know , horseman .
16 I know it 's just laid down as as sheet as to what you 're supposed to put down and all sorts but I ca n't remember exactly how detailed it 's got ta be .
17 So I can take it as as gospel this morning that some of these franchises will be fifteen years , how many might be fifteen years , might they all be fifteen years ?
18 As as Councillor said , Labour keep altering their story about the Health Service .
19 As as part of the trailer .
20 Er , for some purposes er other groups are excepted as as part of the Romany , for all the purposes they 're not , but then they said , it depends if it serves their interest to say we 're the true gypsies and they 're not
21 I mean it 's almost like as as part of y'know kind of the general the general gossip of everyday life .
22 Just one other other point , there is the issue of sustainable development Professor Lock referred to erm alright we 'll bring in the railway line er as as part of your criteria , but I am concerned at the the general dispersal that is er envisaged in the sort of development er that he suggested .
23 And th the they 're looked to by er European liberals as as model constitutions .
24 Er and er we could provide as as treasure ,
25 How many how many can you remember off hand , riveters that worked as as family riveters ?
26 so they merge as as sort of one solid feed
27 Yeah if you can write erm do n't think of it as as homework you might like to writ it in book or something .
28 Similar considerations would also be required when attempting to consider the competing demands for investment between government departments , such as between state education and the National Health Service or between public sector housing and defence .
29 Most of the research on this has been on conversational interaction of a rather restricted kind , such as between doctor and patient , teacher and pupil or between the various speakers in court cases .
30 Almost immediately he developed a lobster-red rash , the first sign of what is known as graft-versus host disease .
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