Example sentences of "can get from " in BNC.

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1 Just show your social security office the certificate of pregnancy which you can get from your doctor or midwife .
2 At home ( in Bangladesh ) we can balance it out in our minds because of all the love and happiness we can get from the women in the family .
3 Michael Cohen also plans a major exhibition — 15 or 20 Nanking pieces , silver bars from the Dutch bullion ship Bredenhof , auctioned in 1986 , anything he can get from Vung Tau and , he hopes , a few pieces from the first Hatcher junk , which are the earliest of them all .
4 This is as far as you can get from Cupitt 's picture of a reactionary , static super-tyrant [ in his Taking Leave of God ] always making sure the universe remains the same and conforms to the old unchanging laws .
5 If you decide to change over to pay the full-rate contribution , fill in a form , which you can get from the social security office : if you are married , get leaflet NI 1 ; if you are widowed , leaflet NI 51 .
6 Make the most of any advice which you can get from the interviewer and follow up suggestions for improving your presentation and qualifications .
7 The responsibility now usually rests heavily on the shoulders of one or , with luck , perhaps two relatives , and they will often need all the help they can get from the local social , medical , nursing and voluntary services .
8 How is homoeopathy different from the orthodox medicine I can get from my GP ?
9 Many people believe that the E111 form you can get from the Post Office covers you against any medical treatment you may need abroad , but this is not so .
10 If we talk to people only enough to get the job done , we miss out on the added pleasure we can get from developing relationships at work .
11 ‘ The problem is that when a new trick appears , everyone is trying to see what advantages they can get from it .
12 I mean , I 've had totally everything you can get from a court .
13 However this may not give a learner as much help as they can get from seeing the actions , people , objects and settings location footage will contain .
14 Claim on form AG 1 which you can get from :
15 It it 's really to give you er whatever insights you can get from this particular theory , erm about the way in which your , your personality works
16 It 's more than I can get from any other job in Oklahoma .
17 Many manufacturers produce pine or pine-effect units , but none will give the easy-on-the-eye , mellow effect that you can get from old pine .
18 This is good news , and obviously the more support she can get from the community , the better .
19 Reduces the erm , extra erm , revenue you can get from exporting or , or it intro increases the cost of importing
20 That centre for one of the staff who work there , make quite profound impact on the quality of life for many people living on our estates and I can not see anything more short sighted than denying access to the sorts of services and the sorts of pleasures that people can get from use of a community centre like that by cutting back on staffing so that we ca n't actually use the capital resources that we 've b the capital that we 've invested in facilities like that .
21 I 'll see what I can get from him , yeah .
22 But they admit they need all the help they can get from the public .
23 We need all the help we can get from the public .
24 A tube of Zovirax , which you can get from your doctor or dentist stops the virus dividing and makes each attack less painful until they die out .
25 ‘ The more information we can get from the public the easier it is for us to tackle criminals and make life in the town better for everyone , ’ he said .
26 ‘ He can get from Darlington to London in just over two hours . ’
27 You 're trying to be everything and they 're pushing it away cos it 's not what they really want and they , I mean , all , all you can get from him is how marvellous , you 're right , how marvellous his brothers are and yet , what I 've heard of the brothers they 're not
28 We 're trying at the moment to get in non-conformist church records , or at least to get copies of them if the churches do n't want to let us have them , because they 're quite important for the nineteenth century history of East Sussex , and erm really any help that we can get from the general public who 've got old documents relating to their properties , minutes of any organisation that they 've been involved in , or that used to exist and that 's now collapsed , anything like that that can add to the history of the county we 're always very grateful to receive .
29 We 're trying at the moment to get in Nonconformist church records , or at least to get copies of them if the churches do n't want to let us have them , because they 're quite important for the nineteenth century history of East Sussex , and erm really any help that erm that we can get from the general public who 've got old documents relating to their properties , minutes of any organisations that they 've been involved in or that used to exist and that 's now collapsed , anything like that that can add to the history of the county , we 're always very grateful to receive .
30 All they can get from other people is advice , and not instruction .
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