Example sentences of "can now [be] " in BNC.

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1 By far the best service that can now be done to these pubs , both for ourselves and future generations , is to leave well alone .
2 Within T IS , too , the work which was done to bring Caterdata and the Psion together can now be sold on to other Caterdata customers , and a section explaining how Psion works has been added to the Caterdata manual .
3 It can now be seen that these pieces of equipment constitute a basic gym around which routines for both beginners and advanced trainers can be structured .
4 I would refer to the winner of ‘ Hands On ’ ( WW/April 91/p.398 ) does this now mean that screwdrivers can now be used for opening tins of paint with raising of eyebrows ?
5 Individuals can now be banned from estate agency work if they have engaged in ‘ undesirable ’ practices such as failing to inform the vendor about services being provided to prospective purchasers , discriminatory conduct against purchasers who are not accepting services from the agent , misrepresenting the existence or status of a prospective purchaser and failing to send written details of offers made by prospective purchasers .
6 Wraith can now be finished by way of a new arete at a grade of E2 5c courtesy of Andy Blakeley and Sue Logan , unless anyone knows to the contrary .
7 The unit can now be offered to the wall and the gas pipework and setting of the fire undertaken .
8 The advent of poststructuralism has given a great impetus to interpretive productivity , since all the literary texts that were once interpreted to show organic unity and complexity of meaning can now be interpreted to reveal underlying clashes .
9 This might exclude many students who are currently enrolled in English degrees , even those with good A-levels which can now be obtained very largely by studying drama and fiction .
10 That recent moment of glory , the Benson and Hedges Cup win at Lord 's in 1987 , can now be seen to have been illusory .
11 He points to the fact that the Atlantic can now be crossed in three and a half hours as indisputable evidence that the pace has hotted up , but in his view , the next generation will assimilate such changes .
12 The 1971 Act has also added new conditions which further weaken black workers — people can now be deported on grounds of ‘ general undesirability ’ , and ‘ illegal immigrants ’ can be removed without a hearing .
13 Pills can now be bought which , it is claimed , can help this process but their worth has not been fully established scientifically .
14 One big cost in BEM system , wiring plant and rooms to the computer , can now be avoided by using the mains cabling itself as the data communication network .
15 Yesterday 's events merely dramatised the fact that there can now be no certainty about the permanence of individuals , institutions or ideologies in present-day East Germany — not to mention other chunks of Eastern Europe .
16 The Scottish Office , after five years of lobbying by the timber trade , and prompted by European Community farm surpluses , has agreed that marginal farmland previously kept for agriculture can now be used for forestry .
17 Unless an equitable premium can now be arrived at , confidence in this new Lloyd 's initiative — as well as the long-term future of the market — will be eroded .
18 The answers — read from microfilm by an optical scanner — can now be processed in district offices .
19 The Common Law rule was partly destroyed by the Companies Acts , and , under the Corporate Bodies ’ Contracts Act 1960 , contracts can now be made on behalf of all corporations in the same way as between private persons .
20 A legal mortgage can now be effected in one of two ways :
21 The importance of trusts has been greatly increased by the property Acts , because , as we have seen , it is only by means of the trusts that future interests in land can now be created ( see p. 87 ) .
22 Small objects ( fig. 7.3 ) that would have been totally destroyed if dated by conventional 14 C can now be sampled for AMS , 5 ; and the benefits in dating art objects are obvious .
23 It urges an expansion of forestry , based on its new costings , and says recreational values can now be assessed making community forests more viable … page 28
24 Some of the non-market benefits of forest plantings can now be calculated in assessing the economics of forestry , allowing a more comprehensive overall rate of return to be worked out , says the Forestry Commission .
25 High resolution images on the computer screen can now be reproduced by printer far more accurately .
26 The sale of Vernons , generally viewed as a reflection of cash-flow difficulties at the time , can now be seen as yet another example of Sangster 's far-sightedness , in part encouraged by expectations of a national lottery in Britain .
27 ( Shreds of these hoards can now be picked over in provincial brocante shops , brave remnants of another , more confident age . )
28 The recourse to social control measures has been entirely removed from this Act and can now be invoked only under general statute that regulates powers to suspend individual rights ( Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch. s. 1666 ) .
29 The time consuming nature of searching through a mass of information for one factor is the main drawback of this approach , although the process can now be made more efficient by the use of electronic databases .
30 The type of information required at each level can now be assessed .
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