Example sentences of "can be and " in BNC.

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1 Lise 's dance when she sweeps the floor before helping Mother Simone to spin is an excellent example of how the subtle timing of gesture can be and is helped by the appropriate choice of music .
2 To state that gender difference can be and is being maintained through cross-dressing and inversion is to maintain or imply the crucial claim even while apparently surrendering it : the difference in question is capable of working in terms of custom and culture ( and is thereby contestable ) rather than nature and divine law ( which are immutable ) .
3 Such experiences of sexual liberation bear witness to the socially constructed ‘ nature ’ of identity with respect both to its contingency and its resilience : on the one hand the self can be and is experienced as radically different in the space of the other ; on the other hand it the extinction of self is the precondition of passing into the ecstasy with and through the other , it is an extinction which has to be replayed over and again as a constitutive part of sexual ecstasy itself .
4 But after you reach a certain stage in life — I 'd put it somewhere between forty-five and fifty-five — you suddenly feel you are as secure as you can be and you really ought to give something back to society .
5 ‘ That 's how emotional and intense it can be and I can understand that .
6 Elections can be and are won or lost on television .
7 ‘ Sir , even when he is not angry you do not know his habits , how filthy he can be and expect me — ’
8 SR can not be all things to all women — it must be a reflection of the concerns of its editors , like any magazine and we must remember how harmful struggling for control of our ‘ tiny slice ’ of power can be and put our astonishing energy and feeling into creating a world in which we can expand and fill our rightful share of Smiths with our chosen , positive images of women — the men are n't going to do it for us .
9 Much of this evil can be and is anticipated and avoided .
10 The House of Commons , particularly , but also the House of Lords , is often thought of as a club and the exchange of views and striking of bargains which goes on outside the chamber can be and frequently is of much greater significance than the public posturing which goes on within it .
11 We try and make everything as good as it can be and I write guitar lines that will be heard .
12 ‘ Why ’ and ‘ Rewind ’ are elastic up-tempo tunes , ‘ I Love Your Face ’ is as shamelessly sweet as only Smokey can be and ‘ Rack Me Back ’ is his most delicious slow-groove tune in years , reminiscent of a Bobby Bland set piece .
13 Murty , the Assistant Government Agent at Matara , wrote in his annual report for 1902 that ‘ it is true that cattle stealing can be and has been suppressed by drastic measures , such as wholesale convictions , involving both innocent and guilty , and by the application of the lash , but I can not conscientiously recommend this procedure . ’
14 Nevertheless , the challenge can be and is being met .
15 For parents , this world-view may not be ‘ philosophical ’ in the sense of something that is calculated , worked out and argued , though it can be and often is .
16 I think part of the reason for this collective blindness or , more accurately perhaps , this collective lack of action , is that we lack conviction that many of these problems are solvable , and we lack understanding of what actually can be and needs to be done to correct them .
17 We appreciate what a stumbling block this can be and will lend you 100% as a first time buyer .
18 Of course , it can be and often is .
19 By its nature , the argument of timing is subjective ; assertions can be and frequently are advanced on the scantest of evidence .
20 Consequently very different prices can be and are charged for the same or similar things .
21 Nixon 's photographic materials are as traditional as can be and his idea was a very simple one .
22 There are many more features that can be and are included in public relations proposals but the above are a good foundation .
23 The moral of this simple reflection is that fundamental propositions of science can be and often are causal , despite generality and mathematical form .
24 It was abandoned when the new church was built in 1909 and in less than severity years has fallen into complete ruin — a good indication of how severe the Dales weather can be and how quickly buildings succumb to its assault .
25 And see how wide it can be and also in some respects how remote it can be .
26 It is rather terrible to think how unforgiving the world can be and how willing to inflict continuous torture on account of a single piece of behaviour that without the political element and the adventitious addition of one or two other elements would have faded into obscurity in no time at all .
27 Conscious manipulation of tears is very rare , although most women acknowledged how powerful tears can be and could remember the odd occasion on which they had been used as a weapon when all else failed .
28 Some of them , myself included , discover just how fragile the nature of the knee joint can be and how extra vulnerable today 's sophisticated equipment has made it .
29 The defence of consent can obviously not be pleaded as it can be and generally is for rape .
30 Now while there is no reason to doubt that the first kind of structure contributes in one way or another to the effect of the poem , it can be and has been argued ( Riffaterre 1966 : 206ff. ) that the second is in most cases irrelevant to the text 's poetic status , since it tends to fall well below the ordinary reader 's level of consciousness .
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