Example sentences of "can still [be] " in BNC.

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1 If there is an element of design on Pechorin 's part in the duel he fights , an element which incorporates a knowledge of the loaded dice to be employed by his opponent in the form of an unloaded pistol , the outcome can still be ascribed to chance , in a sense that must be meant to characterise the hero 's fine indifference .
2 Where the points score is equal , a decision can still be given if the panel thinks that one contestant used better techniques , used a greater variety of effective techniques , or made more of the running .
3 ‘ We can still be friends .
4 But they can still be loan-tied , which means the nationals will still effectively control these outlets .
5 The dinosaurs can have Scafell until they die out , then if anyone can still be bothered to walk ( ! ) up there , I 'm sure a line or two of bolts would n't go amiss .
6 Once the definition has changed ( and that was before publication of the guide ) then the criticism of the style of ascent could have been dropped , but of course it was not , and can still be seen amidst ascents where the rock is scarcely touched .
7 The story is an intricate one , as Herbert Schneidau acknowledges ; and Pound 's holding out against Ford for the Dantesque principle of a ‘ curial ’ diction ( see his introduction to the poems of Lionel Johnson ) represents to my mind an objection that can still be raised to Ford 's principles of diction , salutary as Ford 's polemics undoubtedly were for Pound at this time .
8 The question can still be raised whether Pound had any access to Virgil except through translation .
9 Occasional gunshots can still be heard , though no one seems to know who fires the guns and if anyone is hit .
10 The position is changing rapidly , but they can still be powerful , behind-the-scene figures .
11 Thompson , in an interview on BBC Television 's Sportsnight programme , says he is neither pessimistic nor optimistic about his prospects for the Games but is convinced he can still be an athletics force for the next four or five years .
12 ‘ The scene does not seem right for a 1987 style crash , but the more cautious will be dusting off the chartist 's recommendations to see which shares can still be sold . ’
13 The sea can still be seen from the orchard and it is possible at this stage that the German Army could push the Commando Brigade back into the sea .
14 He can still be seen on film in November 1921 in Saratov surrounded by hungry children .
15 The warmth of the sub-lava magna can still be felt through the feet .
16 The original building ( which can still be discerned today ) was a simple block of rectangular plan adjoining a ‘ breast-shot ’ waterwheel , powered by a mill-stream fed from the River Mole .
17 The mulberry can grow to a very great age , and some of those planted over 380 years ago can still be found .
18 Surely she should be encouraging people to improve the quality of life in such areas as Tottenham , where housing can still be bought and rented at realistic prices .
19 It can still be said , he suggests , ‘ that there are some things capable of being known , though they are still not ones that can be known with an Aristotelian knowledge , but only experientially , or according to appearances ’ .
20 The water can still be changed into the wine of his presence .
21 With 15 to 20 per cent of tin or more , the alloy becomes brittle and almost unworkable , although it can still be cast to shape , and as more tin is added it becomes whiter in colour .
22 ‘ We can still be friends , ’ I explained , ‘ and I 'll co-operate on all ecological projects of this nature . ’
23 But even in a Lutheranism which has had married priests for four centuries , the notion that the mere presence of a woman acting as priest pollutes the sanctuary can still be a powerful belief .
24 So for grassland farmers , the best time is probably February–March when the ground is moist but can still be run on .
25 This statue can still be seen in the treasury at Conques in the Massif Central .
26 Also more significant than the somewhat diminished jubilation for the victories was the ‘ hope and urgent desire that the war can still be ended in this year ’ .
27 In ways such as this one has to be careful in using coin evidence , but , allowing for these and similar qualifications , it can still be extremely useful .
28 That cream-coloured stone chair can still be seen in the cathedral treasury in Aachen .
29 Even if that analysis is too simple , the threads that lead from the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries can still be followed .
30 But at least it helped to console us that , whatever happens on Thursday , there can still be a happy ending .
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