Example sentences of "so [adv] here " in BNC.

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1 So right here we go .
2 Well , erm a lot of your tax relief under the MIRAS system , which you 're aware it gives you tax relief at source up to thirty thousand , has been absorbed up here , that 's where most of your tax relief is , so down here the tax relief on the capital element is nil , and of , it 's only , if it 's only about three thousand outstanding , I might say , well , get rid of that , you know , just , just erm er cash it , and then you 've got the l you c can forget your mortgage commitment altogether .
3 so much here .
4 So respectively here we have values of minus twenty , plus ten and plus twenty .
5 I 've got to move so carefully here , Joe .
6 Later , when their work had become completely Cubist , Picasso and Braque devised a more elaborate and sophisticated method of dealing with solid forms but the means which they used to differentiate between the parts of planes or an object or figure and the devices they used to reconcile it to the picture plane were , it will be seen , not unlike those which Picasso used so boldly here .
7 The hours passed so pleasantly here .
8 So now here I am — Mrs Tamm wo n't leave her desk — not heading back to my own room and my labours on the great Assessment , but in the back parts of the building where I have never been before , picking my way blindly along the twisting ad hoc corridors , up and down odd arbitrary stairs , in the faint hope of ( seeing also ) .
9 So Now here when T is small , let's let's say let's put let's put C R equal to one , they 're only
10 We were down so deep here , it felt like an inverted skyscraper .
11 These invaluable low-growing pink plants have a reputation for being tender , but as these are doing so well here in this cold part of the country , they must be among the hardier varieties .
12 And Britain 's swim pin-up Sharon Davies added : ‘ We have all been told not to talk about the Chinese and why they have done so well here . ’
13 We always seem to do so well here . ’
14 This looked promising : 3 He is produced by fusion , there is an excessive abundance of the substance in volcanic gases so maybe here was the evidence staring him in the face that fusion is taking place among the volcanic rocks .
15 So why here ? ’
16 But those who could speak English spoke no Welsh aloud in Shrewsbury in those days , for feeling was running all the higher because the two races bred and mingled so closely here , and it was well to be known as a loyal king 's man , and indulge other sympathies only in low voices round the hearth , or better still , in silence within the heart .
17 Th it will be more so round here though because it 's all open .
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