Example sentences of "so [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The includers are not always merely disinterested advocates of a philosophy , but people who have become so through experience , through the sheer amount of time they spend with members of the excluded social group .
2 Wilde 's transgressive aesthetic simultaneously confirmed and exploited this inextricable connection between the sexual and the ( apparently ) non-sexual , between sexual perversion and social subversion , and does so through Wilde 's own version of that connection : ‘ what paradox was to me in the sphere of thought , perversity became to me in the sphere of passion ’ ( Wilde , De Profundis , 466 ) .
3 The harbour at this time was formed on the bed of the ‘ Water to Leith ’ , a small stream with its source in the Pentland Hills and flowing for thirteen miles or so through Edinburgh and Leith into the Firth of Forth at this point .
4 I am concerned here with that mode of camp which undermines the categories which exclude it , and does so through parody and mimicry .
5 Theories which aim to explain social phenomena do so through methods of investigation and interpretation which strive for internal consistency , comprehensiveness , and conceptual clarity .
6 This is particularly so during election campaigns , though one can easily cite numerous other and different examples ( see Chapter 8 ) .
7 People sell at auction in booms when there is a strong pool of able buyers — but even more so during recession when there is a steady supply of sellers desperate for immediate cash or receivers and mortgagees trying to cut their losses .
8 Just as within states murder may remain a crime even if not all possible murder weapons are specifically identified in the laws , so between states indiscriminate slaughter may remain a crime even if nuclear weapons are not specifically mentioned in the laws of war .
9 However , single pairs breed regularly at the Cuckmere estuary and about 12 pairs do so between Rye and the Midrips .
10 So times multiplication is the fancy word for it but times is good enough .
11 We could try harder and do better by specifying certain electrical facts , an ignition temperature for a material , and so on-in general by giving conditions for the particular chemical reaction of combustion that occurred-but there is no need .
12 So for institutions equity investment in hotels is perhaps a little too speculative . ’
13 Is n't it , but you do n't you think that 's more so for females than it is for males , the fact that it is such a dirty thing that , that applies more to females than it does , to males ?
14 And then on Monday morning things moved around in his head and he started drinking quite a lot , a ] so for Sam 's sake , to toast the victory of seeing him once more and to say a damn to caution .
15 So for Tennis World reader from Glamorgan , leave my Steffi alone ; yes she 's had problems , what with nasal problems , private ones and a bad 1990 .
16 Training should be as specific as possible and so for karateka I recommend either shadow boxing against a mirror , or working out on a light punch bag .
17 So for experts like you , is it something you could have expected last night ?
18 An impressive achievement for any young person , but more so for Fiona , who 22 years old , was born with Down 's Syndrome .
19 The conference was a successful occasion for the WEA and particularly so for Shearman and for the continuation of his work in Bedfordshire .
20 The over-extension of the idea is ludicrous , but not ludicrous enough : the connectedness of absolutely everything is the first principle of conpiracy theory anyway , so for want of exaggeration or originality the joke falls horribly flat .
21 However , cost would preclude very frequent advertising via this particular medium , so for frequency of exposure it would be preferable to consider hoardings and transport advertisements ( eg as with the famous Guinness advertisements ) .
22 English was the dominant target language ( i e accounting for 50% to 75% of all in-company language training ) , though provision was also found to be high for French and Spanish , less so for Italian , Japanese and Russian ;
23 This skeg is not particularly good to windward , so for course racing large racing fins are favoured .
24 They also know that once a person joins a bank , in most cases , they do so for life .
25 So for life assurance it 'll be page twelve of the C C Q but it 's role play number one .
26 I think they do so for peace of mind .
27 Her portraits are largely of summer visitors , but some are of the seafarers who live all year round at Sheringham and have done so for generations .
28 It costs £90 or so for investors to get the monthly newsletter , the Inside Track
29 She claims to have understood and resolved all her own hidden desires , and she spends her life doing so for others : she is a ‘ modern middleman between body and soul , a perfect salesman of the unconscious to the conscious ’ ( 33 ) .
30 Circuses which use animals do so for profit , and there is no satisfactory scientific evidence that animals benefit in any way from their experiences in such an establishment — they can not educate the public in the artificial environment of performing tricks , they only serve to entertain .
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