Example sentences of "as more than " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Good ’ work has to be seen as More than crime-fighting : ‘ Like , this is the sort of job that you come off at the end of the night and say to yourself ‘ What did I do ? ’
2 From then on , I took more interest in him , looking at him as more than just my employer .
3 Her decision to reject an offer of a senior ministerial post in the Home Office will confirm the prejudices of those who regard her unpredictability and wilfulness as more than a match for her flair for promoting ideas .
4 However , as with all fostering schemes , it was seen as more than just a means of putting roofs over heads .
5 This new sense of topographical security left him free to explore theories about art , the novel in particular , and see his writing as more than ‘ mere journeywork ’ .
6 She certainly did not live in the shadow of John ; she was her own person and deserved to be described as more than a widow .
7 The A grade in computing which may result from the obsession is regarded as more than adequate compensation for the dismal Cs in all other subjects .
8 He works this kind of stiff-upper-lip colonialist nostalgia very well , of course — if only the material he chose had been less plodding and lightweight , he might have emerged as more than a typecast cypher .
9 In the aftermath of Kristallnacht the NL had to be treated by the authorities as more than an eccentric lunatic fringe organization .
10 As a songwriter and musician himself , Terry Merrick is always prepared to act as more than just an engineer , where necessary putting his skill at playing and song arranging at the disposal of clients .
11 For rabbinical Judaism , militant activity was perceived as more than just an embarrassment .
12 The likely returns from their use must be estimated as more than their cost .
13 Although the chance to split votes is from the British standpoint a novelty which a commentator can not ignore , it should not be regarded as more than a minor feature of the WGMS .
14 The aesthetic theory of foregrounding or de-automatization enables us to see the references to TRANSPARENT and OPAQUE qualities of prose style ( see 1.3.1 ) as more than vague metaphors .
15 But he did not feel that she looked upon their amorous exchanges as more than innocent dalliance .
16 The Document Examination Laboratory with its cabinets and range of monorail cameras took up what some of his colleagues , notably Edwin Lorrimer , regarded as more than its share of room .
17 Moreover , because depression , inflation , or other economic distress can bring down a government , and because jobs , prices , production , the standard of living , and the economic security of everyone , all tend to rest on the performance of business , politicians and administrators alike have to regard business as more than just another interest group .
18 No doubt it appealed to his vanity and his ambition to be regarded as more than a mere fiddler ; but after a harrowing year it must have been a decision he bitterly regretted .
19 At the congress delegates sought to establish the party as more than a single-issue party concerned exclusively with the repatriation of immigrants .
20 When viewed from this vantage point , designing can be seen as more than just a means of creating and applying technologies : it is also revealed as a means of shaping relations between people .
21 For him , the " Panopticon principle " ( p 216 ) should be regarded as more than just a particular example of ingenuity in architectural design ; rather : " … it was an event in the " history of the human mind " .
22 The school 's English Department is sponsored by City Screen through a set-up called Film Education which aims to encourage students to regard films as more than pure entertainment .
23 Fothergill says his company 's reputation has been built on a philosophy that views a lift as more than a metal cabin ; rather something which can add value to a building .
24 At 3pm , he will meet Clinton and the two will be together for the next six hours , an indication that the president regards the Prime Minister 's visit as more than just a courtesy call .
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